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And just in time to start adding clips to the Friday the 13th re:View, the new series box set has arrived, which means I can pull clips from the new 4K scans of the first 4 films. They really are an improvement over past releases. Plus even though its using older transfers for everything past Part 4, this new set has at least corrected them to their proper color grading and aspect ratios which previous releases have screwed up. This has been a fun one to edit so far. 


BTW just so there's no confusion, the pictured Jason figure has nothing to do with the new blu-ray set.




So excited for both that box set and this re:View!


Can’t wait for this one!!! Thanks for the update!


Can't wait for this re:View. I've been watching the series for the first time since October started. Going to watch Part 6 tonight!


Anyone who got the set - Did you save the cardboard shipping box the set came in? If you didn’t save it, did you want to but talk yourself out of it?


I like your doll


Excellent figure. Who created it?


sick lights


I'm more excited for the LoTR 4K box set


Aw, Jason With the Head of Some Hapless Teen. Ars gratia artis indeed.


Can’t wait 🙂

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

GUYS GUYS GUYS! I have amazing news! I found a show on Amazon Prime called "Gary Busey: Pet Judge"! I haven't watched it, but that's because I'm leaving it up to you to do it for me. You've been looking for things to watch. Well, boys, the gravy train just came in, and Gary Busey is driving it. And it's probably in constant danger of derailing.

Juan Calvo

Jay really loves this shitty franchise.


Y’all should do a half in the bag comparing the haunting of bly manor and the turning, starring Finn wolfhard, from earlier this year. Since they’re both 2020 adaptations of the same story and are of completely different qualities.


Curved screen... LEDs to block some of the Blue Light reflection... Organized folders for easy clip access... It's wonderful to see tech done right.

Zane Magers

The box set is fuckin beautiful! Happy it came a bit early, SUPER excited for the Re:View!!! Thanks as always guys

mike bouchard

that is a very interesting setup. looks exactly like Jason is delivering a keynote.


Hmm everyone is talking about this box set. I may have to splurge. I haven't bought one in forever.


Where did Jay get such a good Jason costume?


Nothin' better than RLM during Halloween time. Love when you guys work on stuff you're genuinely passionate about. It really shows. Awesome figure BTW.

Brandon Shane

Twin Dragon Encounter When? The wait is killing me!


Damn it’s been nothing but update posts for 10 straight days...... I need my fix


What tool do you guys use to rip/ scan movies?

Jessie Zimmer

I have a feeling that once stuff starts rolling out, October is going to be an excellent RLM month.


‘Tis okay, numerous update posts means numerous future videos!


Jay's excitement and giddiness are bleeding through the text of this like so many promiscuous teenagers

Marvin Falz

You mean because it's _the_ box the set was delivered in? I do that when I receive DVDs and books directly shipped from the US, because these cheap plastic envelopes are a rarity in Germany, where I live , and they're strange in the sense of 'nobody uses such envelopes." Not even sure the Deutsche Post would accept such envelopes for deliveries inside Germany/EU. But the Amazon cardboard box the Twin Peaks DVDs and Blurays were delivered in, wandered straight into the trash.

Marvin Falz

For a second there I thought the Jason figure was a man in a costume in front of a cinema screen sized monitor, and I wondered why Jay would edit in a cinema.


Yeah the scale to size of that photo really tripped me out at first bc that’s such a good quality action figure that I thought that shit was real for a second. 😂


Soooo... any day on that BoTW. Right? I'm jonesing for new shitty movies!


Didnt really need to add this was written by jay


Never took Jay for a RGB guy.


technical question: what's the best way to pull clips from a dvd/blu-ray for editing like this? (I'm at least a decade out of practice at this point)


my go to with dvds is using HandBrake (you have to download libdvdcss from VLC and put it into HandBrake's install directory but after that you're golden). Not sure about blu rays esp with the extra encryption