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Half in the Bag: Bill and Ted Face the Music

Mike and Jay face the music and review the new 30-ish years later Bill and Ted sequel. Once again, they are joined by their very special guest, the noisy cricket. That guy just loves sitting in our their discussions!





The highlighting of "Goof-a-balls", "The whoa due guide" is a clear sign that Mike edited this one!


I love getting this notification as I'm walking in to work 😰


Keanu needs eyebrows.


I agree with you about the ending feeling abrupt. Also about the princesses. Here's an interview where the Director talks about what they cut out. They were going to do reshoots to add to the ending, but they couldn't because of COVID. https://youtu.be/Xqi-Tmp_7jo?t=281


It's funny that Jay mentions that it's not a Star Wars movie or another big franchise movie, because honestly, I enjoyed this way more than I've enjoyed any of those in years - in addition to its message feeling clearer and resonating more with me than any factory manufactured superhero movie or tentpole franchise. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


The "CGI sets" in the future is an actual location. It's the City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia, Spain.

Manuel Johnen

First time I heard the cricket!


I know you guys have a lot on your plate, but in ref to your comments on Brian Wilson: The movie Whale Music (1994) is a Canadian production with Maury Chaykin as a faded rockstar, supposedly based on Wilson. I remember it being alright, but I haven't seen since 1995. --Edit: oh yeah, I like Face the Music, but jeez I felt old seeing the guys. I watched it with my daughters who had a scream, they loved it, and they love the movies. I think Death is their favourite.


It's about family... And that's what's so powerful about it.


I think I'm actually gonna watch the movie before watching HitB for once. I don't want to spoil the fleeting joy I'll get from watching it.

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

Adam, this is your boss. Get back to work! (and no, I'm definitely not on here because I'm also watching Youtube videos. Don't even think about that)

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

Excuse me, it's not "Bill AND Ted," but "Bill & Ted." Downvote! Also, why is every movie (besides this) as long as Amadeus these days? It's not cost effective for the studios or the theaters. This is a legitimate question, so, if anyone has any answers, I'd love to hear them.


I was not aware there was a B&T live action show. I knew about the cartoon, but I learned something new today.


Was it just me, or was there something different about this episode. I know. A severe lack of Star Trek references.


"Hair metal bands now play county fairs".... And motorcycle rallies during a pandemic


i think brigette lundy-paine's (billie) pronouns are they/them. just like, for future reference

CarSVernon .

Amadeus wasn't even that long before the unnecessary director's cut

Marissa Adams

Is Mike parting his hair differently?

Jessie Zimmer

I could not get over the fact that Keanu's eyebrows seem borderline non-existant.

Jessie Zimmer

Overall I liked the movie. Two of my biggest fears didn't come true. 1. They didn't butcher George Carlin's memory ala Peter Cushing in Rogue One. And 2. They didn't throw Bill & Ted under the bus to push the daughters forward. I would've actually liked more family stuff with guys/daughters/wives though. Did anyone else feel like Ted's wardrobe was really weird? He looked like Ted, if 50-year-old Ted was also a bank manager, or a school principal.


I hope Mike is ok. After watching him gush about the original films in the re:View, and now seeing his absence, I'm concerned he may have downed another entire bottle of Ackroyd's skull vodka in one swig to dull the pain.

Daniel Frank

I read somewhere that they were planning on seeing Rufus at the CircleK (time travel to 1989) and use old footage but they couldn't get it to work...

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

That's indeed what makes the Fast and Furious franchise so great. A franchise worthy of lengthy dissertations and study forevermore. It's about family.


Great video, fellas. It's rare to see just a Rich and Jay video. Still the chemistry was great and I enjoyed the ending. Hopefully Mike comes back to save the day/drink. In kayfabe, with Rich replacing Jay in the Ready Player One video, I'm wondering if this is Rich's revenge in the end? He's going to kill Jay to replace him permanently unless Mike can stop him... where ever he is.


I enjoyed this flick. I'm not positive, but I think those two demons who give B&T directions in hell were the writers doing another cameo. They had way too many lines to be extras.


I love Mike and Jay's reviews but I find myself just impressed with Rich when he does movie reviews. He has some really good insights and well thought out critiques. Oh and I heard the cricket in the last video.

Marvin Falz

Another movie nobody remembers Keanu Reeves playing a role in, is Much Ado About Nothing, where he played Don Johnson.


Hey, just wanted to let you know I appreciate you saying this!


Guess that Mike actor got the Aunt Viv treatment.


Yes! And in Dangerous Liasons, he was Chevalier Danceny. Whoa.

Jessie Zimmer

Unrelated to B&T, I stayed up until 5AM watching The Vast of Night, thanks to HitB. What a wonderful film. Thank you.


Watched the movie last night followed by the HitB chaser. Had most of the same thoughts as new Mike and Jay. I actually watched An American Werewolf in London for the first time over the weekend so it was funny how they made a reference to the ending 🤣 I also really enjoyed the robot programmed to only kill Bill & Ted and being terrible at his job.


Jay said that there were extra scenes from the Re;View but I'm just seeing the regular video, don't teeeeease me Jay


Im kinda glad there wasnt an epilogue, going back to the garage and seeing the wyld stallyns sign knowing it was now irrelevant and the band meant nothing would be sad. Would love to see 1 more movie with the same cast but a totally different plot


I like Jay and Mike(Rich)'s commentary on this, but I have no desire to see this. The first films were moderately entertaining at best. The only way I'd see a Bill & Ted movie is if they fought Jay and Silent Bob in a cage match. Then, I"d see it full price!

daniel schmitt

You guys have given me hours of joy, so i'm glad you have a patreon. $15 is a steal for how much i've watched you guys.


Have you seen "Under the Silver Lake" yet? Another HitB winner.


Keanus face unfortunately brought to my mind a certain Neil Breen in the clips you used. They have aged in a similar way I guess, sort of gray-ish, paper-ish skin.


When Tea for Tuna: The Neil Breen Story is filmed, Reeves will be the obvious choice for the lead.


Everytime there is awful negative news headlines... I hide in my room and put on RLM.


Don't shoot Jay!


space cop 2: time traveling werewolf hunter

Twisted Wishes

Please do a new commentary track for something, its been so loooong and I need something to make my look like I am laughing insanely at myself as I listen to my phone through Bluetooth at work

Jessie Zimmer

They've answered this a couple of times over in the community tab (which I just found yesterday). They're waiting for a movie they actually want to sit down and talk about. I don't believe they've found anything yet.


And the name of the actor that plays Bill in the TV show? (and I swear I am not making this up) That's right, Evan Richards.


To Rich’s point about B&T and their daughters ending up in Hell at the same time, despite the apparent time discrepancy - in the first movie Rufus points out that regardless of where the guys end up in time, “The clock in San Dimas is always running.” That’s how I’d look at that. Probably not the first to point that out, but I don’t have time to read all these comments. The clock is always running here, too.


Gonna start a Patreon just to get a cricket exterminator for these poor guys. Who’s in!


Get a tiny GoPro for the cricket instead.


Anyone get tricked by the credit roll? Fuckers


I enjoyed Face the Music, and this HitB nailed it with my minor nit picks... but enjoyed a feel good movie for once, seen it 4 times now (and rewatched the best of them... Bogus Journey). Be Excellent to Eachother! and Party on Dudes!