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Half in the Bag: Money Plane

Mike and Jay are trapped in the VCR repair shop during the pandemic. Their TV is out and the last thing they watched was the new hit film "Money Plane" directed by Joey Lawrence's kid brother. They talk about it waaaaaaay too long.


Joshua Mannix

Was just thinking "man I could use a new Redlettermedia video today..."


Me too.. been watching some old Plinkett reviews and some HITB episodes


Thanks for keeping me laughing during this weird year. I always look forward to your videos.


I just rewatched the quarantine catch-ups last night. Loved the editing and side plot going on in the beginning lol.

Mike St Louis

Just when i was looking for something to watch RLM comes through again. Can I suggest a Re:View topic? Jay and Josh do a follow up to Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me and review Twin Peaks the Return?

Daniel Frank

Why would you keep lighting the candles?!?!?

Mike St Louis

I know it’s a bit out of date now but I’m rewatching TP The Return now and it’s been on my mind. I thought it was great and hope they do more.

Peter Varga

I suppose we won't have a new video again for a while, because you spent the next week cleaning up the cake!

Nathan Campbell

I paused watching the re:View of Discovery Season 2 for the second time when the notification for this new HitB dropped. My life is awesome!

James Fraser-Shelley

It has all the brothers from brotherly love and is also directed by one of them. Just like all those other hot movies.


Now THAT was fun!

Rick Drake

Autopilot can in fact land a plane. https://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/automatic+landing+system But I wouldn't expect Joey Lawrence to know that.

James Graham

Honestly, I hope they keep doing Half in the Bag episodes about small streaming movies even if theaters open back up in the future.

Mr. Derek Magnuson

You should do a re:view of The Postman. #ThePostman https://youtu.be/0JoGndtzD5U

James Graham

Also the main dude looks like an angry and confused Kevin Sorbo.


The main looks like a confused baby with a beard.


The film was suppose to be a loving parody of 90's big budget action films but, apparently, the investors wanted it to be more of a serious action thriller, so they had to tone it down and cut out the comedic elements. Not that they had the talent or budget to pull off what they wanted to anyway. I found it extremely entertaining for what it is.


What footage did they use for the outro?


I actually watched the movie and still am not sure if the fake server room made up of old stereo systems really had an old Barenaked Ladies CD in one of the opened CD slots. Holy shit, that was wild, the kind of stuff that makes RLM reviews special.

Marvin Falz

I noticed two sounds, which stand out to me, but I can't discern if they were purposefully put there or for what purpose, but I find them pretty cool in any case: at 11:38 "like an Austin Power's name" you hear like a scream of a hawk, and at 41:02 when a stewardess hangs up the phone, it sounds similar to one of the backwards footsteps in the Red Room. Btw., Red Room sounds similar to Redrum. Speaking of similarities, I thorougly enjoyed this HitB, on its own merit, but it also feels like HitB pre March 2020. I'm looking into bettering myself now. I'm gonna start with not imaging things, or ask rather than assume.


Thank you for reviewing this work of art, this cinematic masterpiece, this multi-million dollar practical joke. "Rumblecorp" oh my lord. Mike, the Barenaked Ladies edit was perfectly executed and you should feel proud. At least "I'm Thinking of Ending Things" comes out soon.


Thx for these as usual guys. You’re my favourite show on anything. Always a highlight to watch anything you do. Cheers!


This ruined my day


New term: CryptoTrash, defined as "a. low-budget, poorly made film with an incomprehensible plot"

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

They sent a picture of that blurry CD to Josh for identification, right? I'd like to think Mike and Jay don't know the Barenaked Ladies well enough to do that. I would think less of them if they did. I'll excuse Josh because he seems to know every artist ever (the guy actually knew who Meredith Monk is. Meredith Monk! The person who made Turtle Dreams! How do you have any knowledge of a person like that unless you actually starred in Turtle Dreams or her better-known follow-up, Turtle Dreams II: The Secret of the Snooze?). EDIT: It's OK, Mike. I forgive you


T.J. Detweiler from Recess directed this. Has anyone pointed that out? Am I too late?

Jessie Zimmer

The editing on this was exquisite. "This is where careers go to die!" made me laugh more than it should've (I rewound like three times). The Oscar the Grouch bit. The "Money Plane" three-way nit. I burst out laughing several time. Thanks, as always, fellas.


Great video, fellas. Excellent editing by Mike. I'm surprised by the movie because it screams "Redbox exclusive" to me... is Redbox still a thing in this world anymore? I haven't been out of the house in sixth months. Do people still love anymore? Are post-its still a thing?


Editing in stock footage to make the drone scene better literally the best thing on the internet today



Mike St Louis

Just watched it. Man, you guys took another bullet for the team!

Jessie Zimmer

Also, I'd like to point out that when Grouch was on the "Skype" call, both the camera and the mic were clearly set to off. Quality detail management, there.


I'm surprised this wasn't put on the Best of the Worst docket instead of Half-In-The-Bag.


I would like to note that it costs $6.99 to rent Money Plane on Amazon Prime o.0


Don’t do it! I tried and couldn’t get to the end...

Twit In A Hat

I feel like this should have been a BotW Spotlight episode so more people had to suffer through this. But call it a "Blacklight" episode. (I have the horrible feeling Mike has already made this joke on a Spotlight episode.)
