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Hey everyone! The second part of the Top 5 TNG episodes is just about done but we're going to post the next Half in the Bag before that just to break things up a bit. The next Half in the Bag episode is devoted solely to the 2020 action movie dumpster fire Money Plane! There's a very good chance you haven't heard of it. But it's Money Plane!  There's a plane and there's money on it. Co-starring Frasier. We're also planning to shoot a re:View of the first two Bill and Ted movies soon since the third one comes out at the end of the month. We haven't shot that yet so it's possible things will change but that's the plan at the moment!



Are the Bill and Ted movies worth watching? I’ve never seen any of them.


I’ve had it with this motherfucking money...


Frasier fighting deadly money on a plane? Sign me up! Looking forward to the Bill & Ted re:view - i love those films.


Totally bodacious!


i hope money plane is just a mash-up of the money pit and airplane


This sounds absolutely amazing.


I hear money plane, and I get an image in my head, and then I read the synopsis and it's even DUMBER than I expected.

James Graham

I’ve seen the clip where Frasier talks about a dude fucking an alligator but that’s it!


Why hasn't there been a Frasier reboot yet?


Money Plane “an explosive casino heist in the sky”... Count me in.



Con George

Mike, you fuck! I know you read these comments! You fraud, I know it because we're paying you to!


Do you guys have any Best of the Worst's recorded already?

Jason Cooley

Excited about Bill & Ted. Bogus Journey is a minor masterpiece.


I can’t wait for the bill and Ted reviews I need to see them ASAP before 3 comes out


Yes! Saw that POS last week. It is hilariously terrible. Can't wait!

Nathan Campbell

More content is always great news. Gracias mucho señors!


Darius Emmanuel Grouch III


Omg, money plane is directed by Andrew Lawrence of the Lawrence brothers. What a world we live in!


Looking forward to Bill & Ted re:view. I actually like Bogus Journey more than the first one.


I'm getting nervous about the Bill & Ted movie. I just saw a YouTube ad for it this morning that was interviews with the cast and crew raving about what great chemistry the leads had and how much fun everyone was having on the set. That's like the kiss of death. Totally getting Ghostbusters 2016 vibes.


Wow, you weren’t kidding. For some reason the plot synopsis reminds me of Jupiter Ascending.


Excellent! *Air Guitar Solo*

Manuel Johnen

I've heard of "Money Plane"... it's "Money Train on a Plane"... :D

Daniel E. Passaro

Oh man, cool. I really look forward to you doing the Bill and Ted films. Bogus Journey Is one of the most important films in the world today.

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

I love the Rich & Mike & Jay's Excellent Adventures series. I also love the "money on something that rhymes with grain" series. I hope they do Money Crane after this one, and then Money Drain (it's in the sewers!). Maybe even Money Plain is in the works, where it's somewhere in a desert on some part of the planet, and the heroes have to find it in 24 hours or Dr. Stashesmoneyinunlikelyplaces will detonate the world's nuclear devices because he hacked them all because he's super smart and really evil and stuff. Fingers crossed for a Harrelson/Snipes reunion! And Bill Murray/Ernie Hudson teaming up for Money Train 2: The Train Is Really Fast This Time And In Abu Dhabi Because The UAE Government Gave Us Money To Shoot It Here And Can Build Stuff Really Fast With Its Slave Labor!


im sure I speak for everyone here when I say that we loved the TNG top 5 video and would love to see one for TOS, DS9, VOY, and ENT!


Re view: the gods must be crazy... pretty please with sugar on top! Enjoy your work immensely.

Rick Drake

Money Plain is just the edgy remake of The Treasure of the Sierra Madre.


Oh, man, that money plane movie looks like Glen Danzig trying to make a Len Kabasinski film, whatever that means.

Manuel Johnen

Not sure if they can come up with five episodes each for "Voyager"... except for "Threshold", of course. That one's a no brainer... :/


Having seen the first two Bill and Ted movies in theaters when they were new, I am kind of sad I will have to watch this one v.o.d.


I know what Money Plane is but I was still thinking that 'Frasier' meant Brendan Fraser for a solid thirty seconds.


Well you've finally made me go and start watching Star Trek TOS, I hope you're happy!


How Did This Get Made just did Money Plane. Looking forward to it!


Pfft. I'll wait for the sequel. Snakes on a Money Plane


Thanks for the TNG re:View. I'm looking forward to the next. I am completely and totally envious of Mike's encyclopedic knowledge of Star Trek.

Mike St Louis

I think the RLM crew need a raise for all the terrific content they continue to bring us! 🥰


The New Mutants is finally coming out in a couple of weeks. I know Jay has been dying to talk about it for years. Maybe you guys can do a Half in the Bag with Bill and Ted 3 and the New Mutants as they come out within days of each other.


Well, I certainly am. Watching for the first time? Nice.


Every day I hope there's new RLM vids, thanks for all the content! Looking forward to TNG part 2 and Bill and Ted and whatever else you have planned. Junka 3?? This Time It's Personal.


i dont think that's movie is real, feels like a practical joke


I don't believe you, Denise Richards is billed on the poster. Can't be bad.


I just realized the wrestler Edge is the star of Money Plane and two Lawrence brothers are in it and another one directed it. This is going to be Best of the Worst worthy but with the depth of a Half in the Bag episode.


I watched Money Plane. The lead actor looked like a surprised baby for the entire film. Bug eyed and confused.