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Half in the Bag Episode 98: Creed and Victor Frankenstein

http://www.redlettermedia.com - Mike and Jay finally reach the top of Mt. Everest to fix Mr. Plinkett's VCR or whatever. Unfortunately, Mr. Plinkett is nowhere to be found so the guys are forced to talk about movies. It's Creed and Victor Frankenstein!



Oh man. Looking forward to this one. Went to see Victor Frankenstein hoping that it would be an ironic pleasure. It was not.


Two words: Borderline experimental


I hope Mr Plinkkett became Santa!


Great reviews of both films, was mildly surprised "Drinkinstein" song wasn't used a 2nd time during the Frankenstein review, but perhaps that'd be pushing it a bit. I was definitely pleased coming home from the theater after Creed. It was a legitimately good film. I made the mistake of seeing "Dracula Untold" last year, so I'll take a pass on Victor Frankenstein.