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Hey everyone! The Plinkett Picard review is coming along. There's very little live action stuff that needed to be shot for it, but we shot those few bits yesterday. Part of that entailed slathering the Best of the Worst discussion table with peanut butter (we just needed a green surface to key out).

We're also planning to shoot a new Half in the Bag today. We'll be talking about Neil Breen's new 5 1/2 hour 5 Film Retrospective! We'll also be talking about...another film. It's not a new film, it's not a Best of the Worst-worthy film, it's not a re:View-worthy film. It's just something completely random we have decided to dedicate part of a Half in the Bag to because I guess we're losing our minds. We'll post some pictures from the updated set after we've filmed it. Coming soooooon.



We're losing our minds too!

Brad Clarke

I was just thinking how much I need this Picard review. I hope you guys have an awesome time filming !

Andre K

As long as everyone is safe, especially Rich "Rich Evans" Evans, all is good.

Dirk Hoderin

you guys are aware there's a new Voyager series coming, with one of the Picard people behind it, right? Can't wait for more Plinkett.

Poo In An Alleyway

Thank you guys for continuing to work while everything else falls apart


Wait, does peanut butter kill the virus?

Rick Drake

How soon do you think you'll be back to Best of the Worst?


Howard the duck? Lol

Rudolf Rohaczek

excellent news! my day just got much better!


Please do 'half in the bag' episodes of foreign shows in Netflix (la casa de papel, for starters).


Please let it be Nukie or Kryptz!


When I saw the trailer for the Neil Breen Retrospective I thought "Who the fuck is gonna watch that". You are the heroes we needed I guess



Lance Batty

Right on. Thanks for the update guys. I'm excited to see what the other film is that you'll be talking about.




I miss you guuuys! XD


The only reason I forced myself to watch Picard is so I could get to watch you guys tear it apart. https://giphy.com/gifs/a-clockwork-orange-eyes-uVOTxMagGsgXS


We neeeed mooooore Star Trek!!! Mike! Please! All the TOS films!!! Loved the ST Motion picture Re:View, rewatched the movie and loved it so much (again). Gonna wait before rewatching ST II-VI until you have discussed them. Will I ever see them again??


Only if administered anally. Unfortunately, crunchy is most effective.


Man, RLM is the only content I'm watching on Youtube these days (I'm old). During COVID I've been going back through old Half-in-the-Bag episodes. Hard to remember Jay's hobbit days... The old ZAAT review is what made me a RLM true believer. Keep the shows coming guys but stay safe!


Green peanut butter? Sounds like someone has a teensy bit of colorblindness! EDIT: Green table makes way more sense


Whoa, Mike and Jay discussing the Neil Breen retrospective? That is going to be interesting. Also I'm intrigued in how a table covered in peanut butter plays into a Plinkett review.


I'm extremely curious to see if the NB Retrospective is actually just him sitting in front of his desk for 5.5 hours droning on like the trailer implied

Juan Calvo

Can't waaaaaait!

Erling Hansen

Ah they be alive!!! Was starting to worry.

Marvin Falz

So this is what the world has come to: I'm actually more interested in a discussion of the Neil Breen retrospective than a Plinkett review on something that resembles Star Trek. But while I hate everything I've seen and heard so far about Picard, I find Neil Breen fascinating since I've watched Double Down two months ago. Not as fascinating as Twin Peaks though. In any case, looking forward to all the next releases! Thank you!


Congrats to Neil Breen for finally graduating from Best of the Worst to Half in the Bag. It's a big accomplishment for a filmmaker of his stature.


❤️you guys. I have been making my way through the best of the worst back catalogue since I started working from home and it’s been so hilarious/keeping me sane. Thank you for the hours of entertainment.


I was very excited to go buy a copy of 5 Films for myself, but it's $160! Perhaps that's a fair price for five and a half hours of Breen but the sticker shock is real.


Really looking forward to this


Get Rich Evans to play Fallen Order in quarantine maybe Jack too


I’d eat my own pants if you reviewed Highway to Hell (1991).


Can’t wait to see what’s next, hope you’re all staying safe n healthy!


thanks for all the hard work


Thank gawd the Picard review is still happening! I was afraid it was going to turn into RLM's Don Quixote.


So does this mean there wont be a Plinkett review of Rise of Skywalker ?


Probably not. Plinkett mostly shows up to demonstrate why some movies do not deserve the praise they get. If TROS had been a huge hit with critics and fans then he'd probably make a video. But since most people didn't like TROS, there's not much for Plinkett to push back against.


Releasing a $160 retrospective in the middle of a global pandemic and historic economic depression might be the most Breen has ever Breened. So many questions, who would buy that (other than Mike and Jay)? Why would Breen think there was a market for that? Why am I so excited to see it reviewed? I don't have answers for any of them.


I hope this other film is the Guyver with Mark Hamill (who does not play the Guyver).


The Picard and Discovery reviews are what got me to initially start watching the channel. The advert for Mr Plinkett Review of Picard got me to join Patreon. Can't wait!!


if my $5 went to purchasing the Neil Breen Retrospective collection then I consider it money VERY WELL SPENT.


Hard to believe the next RLM video will either be a Plinkett review or a Neil Breen manifesto review, we are truly spoiled as a fan base.


It’s going to be Fateful Findings and I’m so fucking excited.

Jessie Zimmer

"Part of that entailed slathering the Best of the Worst discussion table with peanut butter (we just needed a green surface to key out)." I can't wait to see what delights (or horrors?) this brings us.


I remember watching the picard review and seeing this moment. and I pointed at the screen and said "I REMEMBER THIS"