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Hey everyone. The next video that's going to be released soon is our re:View of the 1993 comedy Freaked. We're also still working on a behind the scenes video about the making of Space Cop. We've uncovered even more behind the scenes footage than we originally thought we had! It'll probably end up being about 30 minutes long or so. And yes, we're also currently working on a follow up Star Trek: Picard video! That one might take a little longer than the other Picard videos. 


Joshua Mannix

Hope you guys are staying safe! Obviously RLM is an essential business, correct?

Daniel E. Passaro

That’s really awesome. I don’t watch the Picard videos really anymore. I try to ignore Picard existing because I don’t hate myself.




I just finished Picard yesterday, and I can't wait to hear more of your thoughts on this garbage fire insult to Star Trek.


Sounds great fellas, hope you're all staying safe and healthy. Is BOTW going on a bit of a hiatus since that's more people in the studio?

Twisted Wishes

Keep safe. Stay healthy. I am still down for just more commentary tracks if you guys dont want to go into the studio during this.


I appreciate you guys still putting out studio content during this crisis, but at least as far as I’m concerned, it’ll also be okay to record Skype conversations or something if you all want to maintain social distance. Don’t want you all risking your health!


I need my Picard closure.


Freaked, awesome!


Can’t wait! Stay safe y’all!

Poo In An Alleyway

Can’t wait for that Freaked re:View! Stay safe, guys!

Jeff Kleist

Can’t wait to see how they took an ending stupider than we could have imagined where nothing that happened in the previous 8 episodes mattered, and somehow androids can learn mind melds from a book . Why they just didn’t have Data and Picard bang is beyond me.


Thanks! I was afraid the last episodes of Picard broke you.

Matt Naylor

Mike killed it on Smiling Friends, apropos of nothing. 👍🏻

Joey Hollywood

I'm really looking forward to that Star Trek: Picard video


I really enjoyed the Picard series up until the finale. There are some goods elements in the last two episodes but, oh boy, oh boy, is it atrocious.

Andre K

I hope everyone is staying safe, life without RLM is like life but without RLM


Rich is so sick that just thinking about COVID-19 actually killed him. Rich In Pieces.


Sounds good. In the meantime, I'm binging on the late PreRec videos.


sounds good, thanks for all the entertainment, it's doubly useful and needed these days!

A White 1993 Camry

Freaked is amazing, really looking forward to the re:view

Marvin Falz

It's been said a lot of times before, but it still stays true: the best to come out from modern Star Trek, Star Wars and Disney's approach to make and advertize movies, are RLM's discussions and commentaries like The Nerd Crew.

Marvin Falz

Space Cop behind-the-scenes!


What a difference a 2-part finale can make! I think we can all agree, despite some bumps along the way, that the season finale of Picard truly brought it home and elevated what had been an arguably rocky first season to exhilarating new heights that skillfully married classic Trek's sense of hope and wonder with more modern Trek's edge-of-your-seat thrills, acerbic wit, and poignant social allegory. The future is wide open, and we've never had more reason to be excited about the future of Star Trek! This is the conclusion I think Rich & Mike will come to, agree?


You guys are doing a good job hyping up this Space Cop mini-documentary, might have to watch the movie again. I hope it resembles How Not to Make a Movie which is one of my favourite RLM productions ever. I haven't seen Space Cop since it came out.


Freaked was one of my all time favourite comedies when I was a teenager. Cant wait for the Re-View, then dusting off my dvd for a 'Re-Watch'. Keep up the great work keeping us entertained during this otherwise miserable time guys.


Same. I just love listening to Rich and Jack wittering on about anything and everything. Especially like the ones with Jay.

David Perek

I'm guessing the atmosphere in the RLM offices surpasses the 60% alcohol requirement due to simple evaporation.

David Perek

The Space Cop "Man of Steel" trailer parody is still golden. That movie was the pinnacle of RLM's golden age to me.


Is rich still in a coma after seeing the Picard finale


I always learn such awesome stuff when Josh and Jay re-view. Thanks guys!