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We probably won't be using it for a little while, but Rich Evans has been hard at work again...




Why does Rich keep doing this to you?

Nick E

Idk what he makes but Rich is underpaid. He was on Ellen for godsake! Up his monthly pain prescriptions and allowed visits outside!


So Rich Evans is a masochist?


The last wheel looked so good, no idea why you destroyed it. Glad to hear it's coming back anyway though. ;)


No one's ever really gone

Joe Triscari

"Evil is a matter of perspective." - Anakin Skywalker

Joshua Mannix

This is just going to be the same thing as the original film- I mean, the original Wheel episodes isn't you hacks?




I still don't understand why you smashed a safe on the last one.


You guys should slip some wheel of fortune bonus slots on for the remake. Winner! Spin Twice! Bonus Video! After Junka you really have to up the ante.


Rich getting revenge on Mike for making him watch Picard again.

Yahsho Jinn

Striking it down only makes it stronger..


Please don't tell us about Rich Evan's being "hard" at work. That's just uncomfortable for everyone.


Because in the beginning of the Wheel of Misfortune the challenge was issued that no one was going to be able to tip it over/destroy it this time. The challenge was accepted.

Marvin Falz

How about a new format: 'Square of Despair' or 'Triangle of Terror' or 'Trapezoid of the Existential Void' or 'Sphere of Doom?' That last one is from the great "Mr. Plinkett's Star Wars Episode 4- A New Hope Commentary." 'Necessary Situational Enforcement Sphere.' Great stuff!


please use it soon -- and often!

Juan Calvo

Is Rich Evans possessed by a demon?


The greatest misfortune of all is to watch Start Trek: Picard. I truly hope Mike and Rich mention the scene in Episode 5 (the last episode of this series I can stomach), when the Romulan and the synthetic girl - for reasons and in a context completely unclear, I suspect, to most viewers - take off their shoes and start sliding down a hallway at the end of which they make out. I've never seen STD, but I can't IMAGINE it's worse than this.

Tim Fuglsang

What do you mean, "won't be using it for a little while"!? I gotta have that Wheel of the Worst! I want that WotW meat! I gotta have me some of that juicy WotW meat!


Honestly, I kind hope you don't paint it. It looks appropriately monstrous as is


I got a fevah... and the only prescription... is more wheel!

Poo In An Alleyway

Coming soon: The Wheel of Moderate Distress!


It shall spin again!

Twit In A Hat

I'm sorry, but all sex pervert jokes are to be directed at Mike ever since he voted for Shark Exorcist.

Twit In A Hat

Guess you guys preferred the old look, huh?


Suffer you hack frauds! If we don't get disturbing Mr. Plinkett reviews then we should at least be able to be disturbed by the wheels usual disgusting content.


That was episode 4. And even if I enjoy Picard very much, that scene was cringy.


Am I the only one who sees an ahegao face with the cassette and red stopper? Considering it was Rich Evans, I wouldn't be surprised.

Aaron Von Seggern

This has got to be like, top six best posts of the last twenty months, maybe all time


Is it made from any bits of the previous wheels to preserve maximum evilness?


So there will be a hiatus of all wheel of the worst related content? Bummer, oh well all the other content is equally great.

Erling Hansen

The last one was too pretty :) Make it look like the one in Thunderdome..


Eventually there will be enough versions of the wheels, that they can put all the wheels on one big wheel and spin that to see which wheel of the worst is the worst wheel of the worst

Kendel Fargo

I hope this one comes with a match needed mini bar.


all the wheels can act as gears to spin THE mother of all wheels