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Rich and Jay Talk About Ghostbusters: Afterlife

Rich and Jay do the thing that the title of the video says. Remember Ghostbusters??



OMG YES, thank fuck you guys are on the case. I need you to tell me how to feel about this.


Heya dudes. Just wondering, if this is a Patron-only video, why is it available publicly on YT?


The tone of this trailer seems so jarring in contrast to the original movies. It feels like a campy drama rather than a comedy.

Bill Lehecka

Not enough red arrows in your thumbnail. You definitely need more. Otherwise I wouldn’t be sure if I missed a tiny detail in this 2 minute ad for a film


I agree with you on pretty much all counts about Ghostbusters, but I gotta complement you all on the nice Winter beards you're cultivating! Clearly it must be really cold up there.


That was a rough 2+ weeks. Thank you for the content, RLM.


I really, really, really like this channel, but I really, really, really, wish they were 20% less cynical. Not even 50% less. Like just 20%. Whenever they start doing their put-on producer voices...


I like this format a lot. I appreciate the videos with sets like BOTW and Re:View, but these are just fine too for a casual conversation. Good discussion, too.

Dan Port

"Ghostbusters is tarnished and Sony sucks."


What is the sub-title "Afterlife" referring to? Are they joking that the 2016 movie killed the franchise?

Andy Rucker

Cautiously optimistic about this one. Given that we see the original ECTO 1 and not the ECTO 1A, I wonder if GB 2 is going to be retconned out of existence by the new movie...


I think Rich is thinking of the Ninja Turtle Pizza Wagon as the toy with a flip-out gunner seat. ... WHAT?

Michael Matzat

It's called "afterlife", all the original ghostbusters except bill murray are dead. They haunt as ghosts under his barn. Be prepared for the original cast to be all there as CG ghosts. Just like star wars!


That "Remember that one time when..." patter is so weak. It's a standard formula. Can't professional screenwriters come up with a joke that isn't overused by everyone under the age of 25?

Marvin Falz

Seems to me whoever makes Afterlife has actually listened and understood the complaints of the fans and is willing to adapt - unlike other studios, which are seemingly all about the money, and still don't understand how to make more money by just making good movies.


Ghostbusters referencing Stranger Things referencing Ghostbusters would be a great thesis topic for a postmodern media studies major.


When are you going to talk about The Mandalorian?


I don't agree at all when they say that the Ghostbusters formula can't be recreated. It's been done in the past, and it was called Men in Black. The underlying joke was different in the details, but identical in the substance - instead of unfazed bug exterminators fighting supernatural creatures, unfazed bureaucrats fighting alien creatures. The mundane meets the extraordinary, and doesn't flinch. The story was completely serious, and the dry humour came from the attitude of the main characters; and it worked, 'cause the chemistry between the leads was there. So, I won't applaud this Stranger Things ripoff for trying something different, 'cause that's just a cheap excuse to slap the Ghostbusters brand on a completely different movie, and cash on the Eighties Nostalgia fad. A true Ghostbusters sequel can be done (IF it MUST be done), and it surely as hell can't star little kids.

Eben Sullivan

I would love for Ray to be living in a bunker broadcasting a short wave conspiracy theory radio show. I have a feeling that Dan Aykroyd would nail that kind of performance.


I love what they did with all these red arrows and circles in the thumbnail, haha.


If you count this as a video, which is just Jay and Rich talking to each other in the office. No set, or movies they had to watch. It's just a trailer reaction video. There's only been 2 other videos released in the past month... What am I paying you guys $15 a month for?


I'm with Rich on this one. There is no reason this has to be a comedy. If they are going Stranger Things...then go all in with the darker tone. Not Zack Snyder dark. But more of a darker edge to it with comedy undertones throughout. But I swear to god, if they have a CGI Harold Ramis ghost in the new movie in any way, shape, or form I WILL walk out of the movie and ask for my money back.


Before this movie comes out, I would just like to say, me personally, in my own opinion, will agree with everything Rich Evans says about it.

Andre K

I'm not sure there are enough arrows and circles in that thumbnail. I mean, it took me nearly 3 days to see that this was posted.


Even as a kid, I enjoyed watching the 30-something year old Ghostbusters do their thing. I have zero interest in Ghostbusters Kids, unfortunately. I had hoped this one would be a sequel I liked, but unless it's said to be surprisingly great, I'm really just not very interested at all.