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Dark Fate Extras

Some outtakes and cut material from the last Half in the Bag!!



No Fart but what we make!


Aaah, another exclusive Patreon video. It's good to live the illusion of being a one-percenter.


Terminator: Fart Date

Rick Drake

That's Mr. Plinkett? But that's a different guy!


The laughing fits at the beginning were great :D


'diarrhea in a skull' seems like kind of a metaphor for how most modern movies treat us

Dan Port

Jurassic World and Jurassic World Park


You guys were actually on the phone with each other?! ;)


I didn't realize you were shooting the Plinkett / VCR conversation live! It definitely made for a funnier scene, as evidenced by these outtakes.


It’s not often you see Mike get the uncontrollable giggle fits, I loved it!


I can't not laugh when Mike is laughing.

John Kott

Thank you so much for taking the time to edit this and share it.


So this video is old as shit but for whatever reason it’s one that I tend to come back to when I’m having a rough day or dealing with general sad-brains, so… yeah, I’m here now and while this is probably a little much for Terminator: Dark Farts: Diarrhea outtakes, I guess I just wanted to say that I appreciate you guys and that the stuff you put out into the world really does help make things at least a little bit better, for a lot of people, for a little while, and a lot of times that’s enough. Anyway, aids or star wars or whatever.

John Kott

...here I am in 2021, and I just came to write the same thing! For some reason, Mike laughing at Rich's line delivery brings me joy. "But that's a different guy!". So good. I'm thankful they shared it with us all.