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Hey everyone. We just shot a Half in the Bag where we deep dive into the John Travolta flop The Fanatic, directed by Limp Bizkit. We're working on editing that now and we're also planning to film a re:View for The Exorcist soon as well. The plan is to have that out in October for Halloween. Boooo!



WOW doing fanatic this is an expected surprise I cant wait.


WTF is up with that cheap jump scare at the end of this update, y'all?! Fuck!

Bill Lehecka

Are you saying Boo or Boo-urns?


Is the title 'The Fanatic' about Scientology, or guys at gyms at 3am?


Wow it made $3,153 in opening weekend.


I gotta say the exorcist is boring and not scary. Hope you get a counterpoint to Jay's unending enthusiasm for it in the studio. I mean the first part is fine as a well done drama, but the latter half really needs a belief in god and satan for it to work on you. And who has that these days.


I'm scared

Kjellbjørn Åsmo

Are you going to do something with the dark crystal series on Netflix?


“You like a little Limp Bizkit?”

Joshua Poytress

Yes!! The fanatic is insane and hilarious. Can’t wait.

Steven Simmons

Question: did Travolta do it all for, as they say, the nookie?


Totally off topic, but just watched the Happytime Murders last night. I laughed my fucking ass off. It’s reviewed horribly. Discuss!


I laughed my ass off at happy time murders and Holmes and Watson. Very good turn brain off and just enjoy the ridiculousness of everything kinda of movies for me.


Anyone else see the abomination that is Ad Astra?


I'm planning on subjecting 4 new victims to The Exorcist this Halloween.


I should have knew something was up when the rotten tomatoes scores were so different (critics: 82%; audience: 48%). how bad was it?


swap 'the fanatic' for Tony Scott's forgotten 1996 classic 'the fan' starring jack black and I'm in

Marvin Falz

Hey guys! Awesome, I'm looking forward to the Exorcist re:View!


Out of all the terrible movies Travolta has done over the last few years especially, this is the best bad one. Hope you touch on some of them, especially Gotti.


You just made my favourite time of the year even better.

Andri Gunnar Hauksson

Oh boy, been putting off seeing that films for years and years because it looks so scary. Guess I got no choice now.


Limp Bizkit style...style....John Travolta, take 'em to the Matthews Bridge!

Lauren R

Oh I hope you touch on Exorcist III in that review as well.


I thought for sure that the Directed by Limp Bizkit statement was a joke. It wasn't and should be amended to Written and Directed by Limp Bizkit.