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Hey everyone! We've just released our new commentary track for Army of Darkness (the 81 minute U.S. theatrical cut). As always, if you would like a free download code, send us a direct message here on Patreon requesting one and we'll do our best to get that to you as soon as we can. For organizational purposes, please be sure to send a direct message and not just leave a comment below this post asking for a code. 


Army of Darkness Commentary Track, by Red Letter Media

Boooo! Start your spooky Halloween season off right, by listening to our commentary track for the non-spooky Evil Dead movie, Army of Darkness! This commentary is meant to sync up with the original U.S. theatrical cut of the film. Start playing the commentary after the Universal logo, right when the camera fades in on the desert ground.



Yeeeeeees! I love my biannual movie podcast!

Bill Lehecka

Rich Evans is the Ash Williams of our generation.


Awesome! I love the commentary tracks.


Goddamn, I'm searching for that damn US theatrical cut version for an hour now. Difficult to find outside the US. ;P


Me too. I have the German 85 Minute Version (Exportversion?!) and I could borrow the 96 Minute Directors Cut Version of a friend. I think i'll simply listen to it in the background and if it deosnt fit...so be it.


I'm a relatively new Patron (5-6 months) and it's been a while since a RLM commentary track ("Jingle All the Way" was the last one in December 2018) so I didn't know RLM gave away download codes to their Patrons. What a nice gesture, I mean, I would have bought it anyway because RLM commentary tracks are like audio crack but still, what a nice gesture by the RLM boys. Much appreciated, hacks.


I'm buying it and you can't stop me!

Manuel Johnen

"Honey, you got real ugly..."

Manuel Johnen

Wow, Jay really mentions "Skinner"... that was a deep dig (good movie, though)...


The instructions are wrong - you need to start playing the commentary at the very beginning of the Universal logo, not the end.


Wow, that was a really fun listen. Mike's Tom Sullivan story is fucking hilarious. Every time Mike decides to share a story from the infamous Phoenix Horror Con from the early 2000s, it instantly enters RLM lore. Also, I thought it was interesting that you guys mentioned just how much the Duke Nukem character borrows from Ash Williams because there are rumors that Ash will be a guest downloadable character in Mortal Kombat 11 next year. So, at least the Ash character (and Bruce Campbell by association) will have another big moment in the sun in a hugely popular videogame.


Rich is such a versatile actor.

David S. Grop

The 81 minute version is on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xX6g3Cr3Vdo


Drop break first used in 1986 version Little Shop of Horrors https://soundeffects.fandom.com/wiki/Hollywoodedge,_Pottery_Drop_Break_PE112401


Just finished listening to this and thanks for often referencing the different length of scenes in the international version - your ridiculously encyclopaedic knowledge meant I didn’t get frustrated with it being out of sync. And yes, the extended windmill scene really overdoes the slapstick.


I loved this so much. Please do a Re:View and/or commentary track for Evil Dead 2!