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Best of the Worst: Wheel of the Worst #18

Oh no! After a six month hiatus, the Wheel of the Worst is back to torture the gang with more horrible VHS tapes that nobody should ever be forced to actually watch. LOOK OUT!


Josh Marjonen

Thank you guys so much!!

Marvin Falz

A new Best of the Worst is exactly what I need right now, great coincidence! Thank you!


It all makes sense now: Rich is an oracle.


I don't work on Fridays, it's currently 5pm in Europe, and I want to say this is how EVERY weekend should begin.


A new Wheel of the Worst is just what I needed for this bad week for me, thanks guys.


Rich has a power that needs to be harnessed for good, before the powers of evil capture him.


oh sweet, that's perfect timing. Had a rough day at work and will go to the gym now and this will make the hour on the treadmill pass easily, thanks guys!


Rem Lezar kinda looks like the Twitch streamer Ninja.

Lauren R

So RLM works on Beetlejuice logic. If you say 9/11 enough, the twin towers will appear.


work sucks today because I'm not able to sneak a peak at the new BotW.


Jay didn't put forth any effort in his spin.

Dan Port

Rich Evans' prediction in this video is an instant classic RLM moment. Just amazing... I'm crying with laughter.


I hope mike gets hit by a satanic bus window for not picking len z'dar for best of the worst


When did they get the vampire assassin pillow?!? These are the real questions.


Rem Lezar could be its own episode.


💜 love you guys, thank you for this Rem Lazar bullshit 💜


Wheel episodes are my favorite RLM content - they never fail to getting me laughing hard!

Netero H

Mike playing the worst Devil's advocate. EVER!! Ugh, just admit it, Mike, you like being a contrarian!!


Rem Lezar touched me when I was 4 :(


Is Rem Lezar going into the BOTW Hall of Fame?

Marvin Falz

I've really enjoyed watching this episode yesterday, not only because of all the conspiracy/satanic stuff and your discussions, but also because of the intro, and especially that moment when the sepulchral voice says "true evil never dies" (cut to the bereavement clown on "evil") and the broken wheel dissolves into darkness, fog and something which looks like a tombstone with a stretched full moon over it. Now this shot and this cut looks great on its own merit, but, since I've watched 2001 - A Space Odyssey for the first time in my life some weeks ago, and the movie has impressed me pretty much, that tombstone with the moon over it , at first glance, reminded me of that view of the monolith from the ground up into the sky and the sun, then the revelation of the Wheel. What an implication huh, the Wheel of Misfortune as a metaphor for death as a metaphor for enlightenment and human evolution. Kind of like the fiery rocket propulsion placed at the place of the supposed third eye of that one Star Trek: Discovery writer or whatever, whose third eye seems to lead him to make bad decisions regarding Star Trek. ||| I also really like that part where Rich speaks with his raspy Space Cop voice, while the Space Cop logo is seen on a wall in the back next to him. And I think you guys are right with your stance on homosexuality in the context of that satanic cults video. Rock on!


Both this ep and Christmas or Cats have magical moments that happen at minute 40:40. I just want to point this out.

Kyle Williams

I am literally a guy who makes his living selling plants from home, mostly through ebay. While disappointed that you skipped that video (because it would be hilariously awful especially to someone like me) at least you chose a very worth video in its place, Rem Lezar!

Bort Ward

The selling 'plants from home' title sounds like it was inspired by Fiona Apple.


Mike wearing the shirt he made fun of Jay in last ep 😂


this was so funny I had to watch it a second time with my wife - I noticed that the Twin Towers are actually pictured on the box for Rem Lazar - - also according to IMDB rem lazar also played the cop at the end - so weird