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Marvin Falz

Hahahahaha! Mike is still best pony!

Taylor Hensley

I started to watch this and withing 4 minutes I was convinced I should probably go see the movie first. So, I am off to see the movie and then finish watching this review when I get home tonight.


Seems like there's enough fodder for a whole BOTW themed around Mad Max rip-offs "Hell comes to Frogtown" alone...


Not gonna lie, the conversation was a bit underwhelming (especially from Mike's side). There is so much to talk about with this movie (how the sound is integrated into what's happening, the characters, the way the action is filmed and edited) and instead Mike complains about the grandmas being a bit OP...Not a bad episode or anything I just thought you could have done more with that fantastic film. Especially since it does so many things right that so many other films do wrong.