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Shot a new Half in the Bag today. We've also got several other projects we're putting together that should be out in the next week or so. Lots happening! Also, if anyone's wondering about the lack of Best of the Worst lately: BOTW is the most time consuming show we do, shooting and editing-wise, so it's taken a bit of a backseat while we try and plow through Space Cop post-production (the end is in sight!). There will be more Best of the Worst though.


Marvin Falz

I was wondering, probably not the only one. Thanks for the information. LLAP.

Taylor Hensley

Didn't know that about Best of the Worst. Thanks.


I am so ready for space cop


Yep, I was thinking about making a post here to ask earlier. Also: Can't wait for that fury road review!


If it's for the sake of Space Cop then so be it.


Doesn't matter how long it takes. You guys make great stuff. Looking forward to it!


any time now...


I have to say I am so disappointed you don't put out 1 video a day, per hour...you guys would take my real life away if that were the case. so thanks for not having unlimited videos I guess.


Keep up the great work! Once Spacecop is done you can get to work fleshing out the larger shared spacecop cinematic universe, with release dates mapped out through 2072


Yep. That'll do.