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Hey all! We've got a Half in the Bag coming later this week for The Predator and Mandy! Take a wild guess at which one we liked more. We've just started editing a Best of the Worst spotlight episode too. 

It's almost time to start gearing up for some Halloween content as well so for early October, we're planning on a re:View (or possible a couple episodes of re:View depending on how long the discussions are) focusing on all the Psycho movies. The sequels are often overlooked so we're going to go into them!


Straight Queer

Yay! I feel Psycho 2 is more entertaining than the original, Anthony Perkins acted his ass off. (Never saw 3 or 4)

Josh Marjonen

I think Mike will be the only one that like predator and I cant wait to see you review the shot for shot remake lol


Nice! PSYCHO II is a great film. Perkins master class.


If I know anything, it's that Mike likes SCHLOCK!


Mandy is the film I’ve been most excited for since seeing its trailer and also the biggest disappointment because I won’t get the chance to see it this weekend as I’ll be away. First Half in The Bag I’ll have to pass on until I get around to seeing Mandy (indifferent towards new Predator.)


the ending of Psycho II is fucking hilarious


Nice, I love those HitB double features, especially when I'm psyched for both movies. The rest of the lineup sounds great too.




Hope that includes Van Sant's remake, would love to hear your thoughts on it.


All of this sounds fucking awesome. You guys are the best, thanks for giving us lots to look forward to.


Oh my goooood, I just searched for the Psycho sequels on Prime Video and found out there's a Vitaliy Versace movie titled Psycho! You guys HAVE to include it.

David Arcaine

Shane Black's Predator started slow, but picked up steam and schlock, and the last third had cartoonish badassery and a touch of clever (sans the sequel set up.) Overall it was fun.

Steven Simmons

My favorite part about Predator was where it started off slow and ended on being a piece of garbage. Also, “YOU RIPPED MUH FAVORITE SHIRT!”


I guess Mike is going to love THE Predator, since he is looking for terrible in bis movies... ok, I didn‘t watch it, but word of mouth is... underwhelming.


Man, ive never enjoyed the first 90 minutes of a movie in the theater as much as The Predator yet that last 15 minutes was bad enough to have me walk out and take a piss during the climax.


Yaaaay! Psycho 2 is SUCH a good movie! Will you be doing Bates Motel at all?


Fingers crossed the Gremlins 2 re:view becomes a reality in October!


I remember back in the 90s the USA network had a Psycho marathon, where I watched all of them in a single day. surprisingly better overall quality than expected


The best time of year! Thanks guys ♡


Also, everyone, I'm calling it: Spotlight on Nukie.


3 is okay, with some really good moments. 4 is like a proto Bates Motel (A&E version, not the old 80's version). Lots of backstory that's actually kind of bland and predictable, literally all the stuff that is already implied by the previous films. But it became kind of obsolete when Bates Motel came along.






COol! Looking forward to everything, as usual. I just watched Psycho 2 for the first time, and it was great! SO much better than I expected, and now I'm totally curious about 3 and 4.




Yey! A lack of RLM for a week made me listen to Eminem diss tracks!


I'll go on a limb to look like an idiot and just say that besides the remake, I had no idea there were Psycho sequels


Well that's a tough one. "In theory" it should be the Predator I guess, but trailers have been kind of underwhelming and Mandy is kind of a wild card, it could be either kind of great or complete disaster. Since you ask I'll say Mandy as I also really want to give giant chainsaw toting Nicolas Cage a chance.

Andre K

Spotlight episode? Awesome!

Vladdy Bladdy

The Predator is the Gremlins 2 of the AVP franchise, YOU BETTER MENTION ME FOR THIS IDEA, JAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I loved the bit where the lead, Blond Gruffman or whatevs, openly acknowledged “group 2 was a lot like group 1, only bigger and dumber!” Felt self-referential to me.


I thought Arnold was going to climb out of that pod at the end

Steven Simmons

I actually made that joke at the end, that the sequel to this is going to be a Gremlins 2 style sequel with each new big predator being a mix of a different crazy Predator.

Steven Simmons

Arnold was going to be in the last scene until he refused so they went with what they had there: anime predators.


I wonder what was worse: the sequels or the 1998 remake. Oh...Dear God...it's been 20 years since the remake... God please don't let them remake it *again*.


Looking forward to it. Thing I'm anticipating most is the Star Trek TMP re-view though!


More Star Trek videos!


Wait they're doing this?


Yessss...I *love* the RLM Halloween content. So relaxing in the fall to crank up some videos and get drunk while laughing my ass off.


The Predator definitely felt like it was butchered from reshoots. There's a scene near the end where the "evil" government guy just has sun glasses on at night entering the predator ship but one scene before he had none. He takes them off 2 scenes later, why the fuck were they there? Also they just have brand new harley davidson bikes on a miltary base? I'm not familiar with the military but I'm guessing they aren't fully equipped with Harleys and they don't shiw any of the soldiers finding them. I did laugh out loud when olivia munn somehow runs almost as fast as a spaceship across 50 miles of forest. She just appears for the final fight where she can just cloak like a predator for no reason. She's a scientist super hero who jumps on buses and attacks the cg monster predator from a cliff with a brain dead predator dog that just somehow loves her and kills everyone but the main characters. Somehow this movie is worse than AvP 2 and that has a movie with an alien predator hybrid called the pralien that impregnates women through their mouths to birth alien baby's out of their bellies ( somehow the pralien babies are just normal aliens ). The biggest disappointment to me is that shane black has written so many movies with amazing dialogue and in this movie the level of wit he reaches is, "your mom" jokes. I think the most shane black moment is when the practical effects predator gets revealed from his cloak by getting covered in blood from a chopped in half corpse, that was a lot of fun. If shane black can only make this level if predator it should die. I've gone to ever predator and alien movie in theatres for 2 decades and they have all disappointed me, I'm ready for predator to die.


re:View Halloween III


need to know if predator is worth seeing, I'm guessing not