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Hey everyone. As you probably know by now thanks to our very successful and well liked announcement video, the Canadians have been in town! We've been shooting a bunch of stuff. Four different re:Views and a Best of the Worst (as well as the above mentioned successful and well liked announcement video). We'll also shoot a real Half in the Bag soon as well. Lots of stuff coming. 


Bill Lehecka

I well liked the video, as well.


Plinkett reviews Last Jedi! I need this now!


I liked it.


Teasing a$$holes...well played.


Awesome, I'll get my potato chips ready.


You guys truly spared no expense

Dominic O'Neill

I saved that video until my lunch break. Laughed my bum off.


Are you going to upload it again?


I liked the part at the end of the video when everyone was in the basement with Shakey cam


Hell yeah the boys are back in town! Can’t wait to check out all the goods


Wait, did I miss a video? What's being referenced here?


Any Suburban Sasquatch clip is really just an opportunity for a sing-along. Thanks, guys!


Pretend Half in the Bag video was an announcement that the Canadians were in town, then 20 minutes of black. I think someone reported it to Youtube as spam while furiously crying and tugging on their flaccid member? Not sure of the details but it's gone now

Gar Kelleher

I'm pretty sure Youtube can detect uploads with long stretches of no video or audio and automatically take them down. I don't think people reported it.


There was audio through the whole video and three video clips inbetween the black screens. Also they did not monetize the video. So to be described as a fraudulent scam somebody in the audience had to report it.


Someone just really needs to know how they're supposed to feel about a dinosaur movie.


Very cool, eh!


Re:view is slowly becoming your best show, because you guys get to talk about interesting movies for a change. Half the summer movies just need a 10 second review consisting of Rich Evans saying "Eh." Or "It was fine."


I hope that this upcoming BotW is a Wheel of the Worst. It has been too long since the Wheel was last spinned!

Andre K

I honestly liked the video because it announced that my second favorite honorary RLM members were going to be back (my favorite is Len but Len is everybody's favorite honorary RLM member).


I enjoyed the Half in the Bag that got posted for Jurassic World, I found it to be an artistic response to what happened in the movie. Keep doing stuff like that in the future!


There are too many people who can't seem to get a joke.


It got taken down all over again.

Kendel Fargo

GOLD, it's all gold!


Have you watched Pass Thru, yet?


if you're going to do a fake Half in the Bag, at least make it good content, like your Grown Ups 2 video. The fake out is just annoying, I see you have a new episode and I get excited and then I watch and I just get disappointed. I don't know if people were hounding you to review JW or something, so the joke would be lost me and your average fan, instead I watch it and it's just like a "Fuck You"


Whats a "Canadian"


God these entitled idiots complaining about the Jurassic Park video are hilarious, they don't even get that the joke is on them.


I hope you don't get to many strikes, I mean the recent video was taken down twice, wtf?


Bahahah I went and saw this movie solely because I saw they had a review on it. Was wondering why it was just called a "review". Bastards got me


It’s down again :(


look, just stop offensive content like this and go back to making aids and 9/11 jokes


same. literally drove to theater one hour after seeing it posted cause i knew i couldn't wait to watch hib.


Thank you Leoroc! I laughed my ass off despite having the joke mildly spoiled because of the controversy. Keep it up guys. Oh, and please tell Rich Evans that my log thinks this is his best performance yet!


I take i you haven't been watching long? Used to be every third video had some sort of 'fuck you' message in it.


I - for one - welcome our new Canadian overlords.


So much coming


Always great when Colin and Jim are on the shows


Keep dem Canadians out of RLM!


I like how you guys help me cope with my alcoholism and addiction to bad moves. Keep up the good work.

Josh Marjonen

Thank you guys so much! Love you guys with every fiber of my being!

Michael Matzat

I like how the Transformers Movies make hundreds of Millions at the Box office, all these entitled film critics and their fans should know that the joke is on them! HA! HAHA! Ha!


What are next?


Just take a break and let Colin and Jim take over the studio, it's fine. No one will even notice as long as they refer to themselves as Mike and Susan.


The Jurassic World video wasn’t as dense as I expected, there wasn’t a whole lot going on.

Top Hat Monkey

Honestly, I loved the video. And the creeping Rich Evans was so........... Rich Evans-y! As for the Canadians, let's build a FREAKING WALL (after Colin and Jim are safely here). Love those guys!

Top Hat Monkey

Not to belabor the point........... oh screw it, let's belabor that sucker, but I don't understand why, if it was not monetized, did YT take it down? Don't they know whether or not a video is monetized? Or was the fact that the video was not what the title of it seemed to indicate enough? Geeze, lighten up, Francis YouTube.