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Hey everyone! We're currently working on a Half in the Bag for A Quiet Place and (sigh...)Truth or Dare. The RIP Harry Anderson clip is an outtake from the episode. That should be up in the next few days.

Then this weekend we're planning to film very special episodes™ of re:View and Best of the Worst. More info soon!


RIP Harry Anderson


Bill Lehecka

You should do a Re:View of Plinkett’s Night Court tape.


This is like when George RR Martin is killing time writing short stories and stuff no one cares about instead of finishing his masterpiece re:view of Twin Peaks The Return

Benjamin Forman IV

Repost: You guys are such dicks! I laughed so hard I couldn't feel my balls. Back in my teens, whenever I saw the opening credits for MacGyver or Night Court, I would always think about the other one.


I was gonna say if you don’t do a Quiet Place/Truth or Dare dual HITB I’m gonna be very disappointed


When is Rich Evans getting an Oscar?

Kevin King

RIP In Peace


A Half in the Bag...with two movies? It's been so long. I've forgotten what this feels like.


I'm gonna say it: Harry Anderson is a BETTER police captain man than Cameron Mitchell :O Anderson's performance in Se7en is spectacular; perfect blend of sarcastic, patronizing and passive aggressive with a touch of sensitivity...

Daniel Staniforth

How Truth or Dare was made: "I bet you can't make a dumber horror movie than The Bye Bye Man" "Bet accepted."


A conversation with Mary Applebottom, the worm woman of Kalamazoo


Great business decision for RLM to trademark the term episodes. Now they just need sue everything


Harry Plinkett has outlived all of his loved ones.

Kendel Fargo

Last time I saw a Very special episode, Dudley was molested by Mr. Carlson.