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Hey everyone. We shot our Half in the Bag for Black Panther today, so that's starting to be edited. We're also in the middle of editing a re:View where Mike and Rich give their final thoughts on season 1 of Star Trek Discovery. Both those videos will be out soon-ish. Also, we recently mentioned on here that we were going to take some staged photos of the weird stuff we have on our shelves/weird stuff people have sent us over the years. We finally shot some of that stuff today so we'll be posting those sporadically here and there. 


Dave Pallas

Thank you for the update


Very cool. Very cool.


Oh, how nice! More Mike and Rich psychoanalysis sessions on Star Trek. I'm delighted.


Glad to see the Trek Re:views continue, it's a great outlet for all of Mike's references


Re:View of each season of DS9 when?


Oh man, Re:view of AT LEAST TOS/TNG seasons would really get me to watch those again. Bit too much work without an analytical session from RLM to look foreward to.


Very cool.


can we get a Jay Star Trek Re:view when you eventually watch it many years from now?


Jay should definitely do a Star Trek episode review in front of Mike.


Do you take recommendations/send-ins for Best of the Worst?


almost fell asleep during black panther