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Half in the Bag Episode 140: The Cloverfield Paradox and the Netflix Conundrum (SPOILERS)

Mike and Jay discuss the latest film in the Cloverfield "franchise," The Cloverfield Project, as well as it's release strategy of being dumped direct to Netflix. SPOILERS AHOY!


Steven Simmons

While I did enjoy the film, outside of the tonally inappropriate moments where it inadvertently turns into comedy.


I'm at home, super sick and was grateful to receive the notification for your video. I just wanted to say that I would be super interested to hear you talk more extensively about Netflix, streaming and how it's affecting the movie industry. I'm genuinely interested by this subject and you guys are capable of bringing insightful comments about it.


I don't understand the hate towards Bright. Don't get me wrong, this movie isn't a great one, but this is not the worst thing ever. I've played D&D for years and the way Elves, Orcs and magic are portrayed much like I would expect from a modern-day campaign setting. Orcs have a +2 bonus on Strength and a -2 penalty on both Intelligence and Dexterity. Elves, on the contrary, seems to have a bonus on both Dexterity and Charisma, explaining their super-speed and their influence on the world. On top of that, they have an affinity with magic, which is consistent with most D&D settings. I like the main characters but the ending is boring. It's an okay movie.


This is Hollywood's most annoying trend (currently): answering a question no one asked.


Well, Netflix also just released "The Ritual", which at least looks interesting...


Netflix should not be a dumpster for movies that no one wants.


To me Bright felt like it did the opposite of what the intentions may have originally been. It was showing race relations through the fantasy lens but where some films try to show that different races are more similar than different and stereotypes can have negative connotations upon race. Bright seems to reinforce stereotypes saying everyone is really different. Orcs, obviously represents the African heritage and says are Orcs are strong and stupid animals basically. Elves probably representing Jews really do secretly seek world domination through the oppression of everyone else. Social commentary in this this movie felt insulting on many levels. The fantasy elements don’t make sense in this world. If magic and everything actually exists and always has and everyone is aware of it. Somehow world history still happened the same as in actuality. Idk smh. Just my opinion.


That sounds like another certain space based film that came out recently-ish....


I really liked the scene where the chamber full of water froze. I just don’t recall seeing it before in anything else.


Those were my EXACT thoughts when I saw that scene. Unfortunately, it was the only cool thing I remember from the movie.


The ritual rules


Oh boy, I can't wait to see what zany situations these two will get into next. I hope that gosh-darned Mr. Plinkett doesn't foil their plans again!


Did you know, in the book, Cloud Atlas, in the future they actually refer to “videos” as “disneys”. It’s a small world after all.


Duncan Jones (of Moon and Warcraft fame) is about to release his new sci fi film "Mute" on Netflix...

Rich Auntie Skeleton

I actually watched it and now I won't stop puking up worms.


I feel I need to watch this film now


The most interesting paradox in the film is the way all the VO refers to "Cloverfield Station" but everyone's spacesuits and some of the walls are plastered with "Helios" logos.


I mentioned during work that netflix would start developing a reputation if they didn't improve their film output. The marketing team that worked on Bright didn't love my input...


I know you guys prey for cinema genocide, but this seriously would have been better on a big screen than on my pathetic home screen set up. Cinema must live.