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Star Trek Discovery mid-season - re:View

Nerd Alert!!! Mike and Rich go insane debating Discovery Vs. The Orville.



Whoa. Whoa. WHOOOOOAAAAAAA. Mike likes Star Trek!?


Never stop talking about Star Trek OK? NEVER!


I find adorable that Mike and Rich made a mid season recap. That's true love for something.


The tube monster from Dune was a Guild Navigator. They are actually humans who have been mutated by taking a whole lotta drugs.


I hate to be 'that guy'; the first gay kiss in Star Trek is in DS9 - though it is between Dax and Lenara in the episode - Rejoined. I think that was in season 4. The kiss between Dax 2.0 and Evil Kira was in season 7. In fact I do believe 'Rejoining' was the first lesbian kiss to ever air on TV. Yes, it's true: I don't have a girlfriend, because all I do is watch Star Trek and listen to Red Letter Media reviews...


They should of just set it in the future after Voyager time.


YES Mike & Rich finally talking Trek uninterrupted!

Bill Lehecka

Maybe it's just me, but I think Mike is a *really* big fan of Star Trek....

Michael Matzat

There was an amazing amount of effort put in this if you consider that it actually only is meant to be a review of very few Episodes of ONE Tv Show. Thanks guys.


I have one thing to add on STD's deviation from those enlightened Star Fleet principles to focus on a big spectacular war against space monster Klingons. That shift in values in Star Trek is especially disappointing when in the real world, we're entering year 17 of wars in the Middle East. Why launch a new Star Trek if you can't make heavy handed political metaphors?


I'm old with the mind of an adolescent. Recycled leftovers with dick jokes it is!


I was really expecting you to talk about the latest Black Mirror episode, U.S.S Callister, for a trifecta of not-Star Trek. Another time, perhaps?


Hmmm, everyone's a secret asshole and none of our shows make sense? I think i just realized that WE are in the mirror universe right now.

Jamie Harrold

Hey Mike, did you know the Sonya Gomez chick was also the 3-breasted woman from Total Recall? Must've been around the same year as well. Geordi must've truly been blind if he didn't tap that.


Mike, I think, you should watch some of the later episodes of the Orville. There is one talking about social media and how absolute democracy can be dangerous, which reminded me of a grand total of 0 Star Trek episode. There is also one where they visit a 2D universe. Another one where doctor Kassidy Yates get stuck on a planet with his kids and condescending Data where he discovers through the mother-sons relationships a little bit of what it is to be human. To be honest, this reminded of every single Data episode, but the way the story goes, it made me feel that they finally found their own way of telling their story. In fact, as the season goes, the Star Trek recycled ideas become more and more abstract. But, besides the dick jokes (that almost made me quit after the first episode), I find some of the plot lines too predictable and I already guessed the conclusion 15 minutes before it happens. Still, I find it way more enjoyable than the STD. Anyway, GREAT discussion, it is fun to see both Mike and Rich so alive.


As much of a fan of Trek as I am, they've largely lost me (barring the fucking BRILLIANT MIRROR UNIVERSE IDEA)... so I agree with Rich.. there's nothing to say that the Orville cant spawn its own 7 seasons.. and spinoffs.. and whatever. I dont know maybe ill keep watching STD just in case....


i'm really happy you guys are pointing out things involving race and gender in your videos. i'm wondering how big of a fit some of your fans are throwing though. :P


That social media episode reminded me a lot of the show Sliders. In Sliders, there was a group of people who were constantly travelling to alternate universes, trying to fit in and figure out each culture. Also, the episode with the kids and Isaac crash landing on a planet reminded me of when Picard and Wesley crash landed on a planet.... and the episode when Picard was stuck in an turbo-lift with kids.


Speaking of Stair Track, I just found out last week that there were 12 dolphins and 2 whales crewmembers abord the Entreprise working on Deck 13. They apparently made one reference in the episode where Picard becomes a child and there is a cetacean ops in the blueprints .

Simia Canis

Speaking as a straight white male myself, the whole anti-SJW white male persecution complex is a joke.


As someone who has never watched an episode of star trek, I just found the writing in Orville to be so ham-fisted that it was painful to watch. The humour actually wasn't ok bad but the dramatic elements just beat you over the head with heavy-handed and poorly-written dialogue. I am surprised this was not mentioned.


Loved this.


just joined patreon for you guys! love all that you do!


Man, this is the episode I've been waiting for. So much great Star Trek discussion! Also, you're not alone Mike; whenever I watch "The Orville" I have to struggle to shut my brain off.


Agreed that the "Start in the Mirror Universe" idea is almost too genius to be what's going on, but it's kind of the only way this makes sense. Beyond the advanced beyond TOS tech, the crew is also way more diverse. How do they explain that in the TOS/Enterprise universe? I just started watching STD (STD?), right after watching Mike and Rich's mid-season discussion in fact, and I'm only 3 episodes in, but so far it feels like, as Rich said, they should have started with episode 3. Then they could pepper in Michael's backstory through the first block of shows, and use the pilot episode(s) as a standalone, very special episode between the 2 halves of the season. Gonna stick with it for now and see where it goes. There are some characters I enjoy, like Saru, and to a lesser extent, Stamets and Tilly. They're both a little one note but I think there's some potential.


The "Start in the Mirror Universe" idea makes me think Mike hasn't watched Enterprise. The beginning of the Terran Empire was explained in "In a Mirror Darkly". Zefram Cochrane shoots the Vulcan that comes to Earth and then steals their ship.


And Rich hasn't watched Enterprise either apparently.


Such a shame we never got to see mirror Picard! I imagine he smashed a Kurlan naiskos every day before breakfast.


Great episode guys! Not sure if Mike has seen Star Trek Continues, but I think Rich mentioned liking it in one of the Pre-Rec streams - some of their acting isn't great, but they have at least 4-5 scripts that I think could stand proud with most of the best episodes of Trek


SPOILERS: Turns out that Mike was almost entirely correct. The whole crew didn't start in the Mirror Universe, but Lorca did. Good on ya, Mike. As I've said before and in all seriousness, Mike ought to have a big Hollywood development deal.