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Half in the Bag Episode 138: 2017 Movie Catch-up (part 1 of 2)

Mike and Jay talk about a bunch of movies they saw last year. This is only half of them! This video includes discussions of: (1:09) Split (7:48) Kong: Skull Island (11:14) I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore (16:40) Raw (18:43) Brad's Status (23:25) Ingrid Goes West (30:32) War For the Planet of the Apes (34:50) The Belko Experiment (36:54) Mayhem (40:13) Colossal (45:27) Wish Upon



I have a reason to live today! *puts rope back in the closet.*


Looking forward on what mike thought about Kong and War of Apes! doesn’t see either...

Taylor Hensley

Fuck you, Jay. Fuck you too.


I haven't seen I don't feel at home in this world anymore, but Mike's description if it, that it isn't really narratively solid but the intensity makes you want to keep watching, makes me think of another movie with a long title, three billboards outside blahblah. Anyway, curious if you've seen that one.


That "And I like movies where people heads explode" made me laugh out loud. I'm excited as I have a few movies to add to my list.


id love to hear their take on that one. I really thought it was flawed despite the high ratings...


You set our expections with the last post and then subverted them with the reveal in this episode, Jay. You are the best human being on earth, maybe even better than Empire Strikes Back.


I for one took up Mike's challenge for "Wish Upon", will be watching that later today. On the subject of true schlock, there are few with a more learned opinion!


Jay is spot-on about that Slender Man trailer.


It's a mind-boggling experience. It's dumb, the editing is terrible, most of the characters don't have any back stories and it left me with a general feeling of confusion. However though, there are a few hilarious moments which I won't spoil for you but Jesus-fucking-christ, I laughed so much. Have a nice viewing!


Me too. Once they got into some of the smaller and more obscure movies it was - pause Catch Up video - check iTunes - add movie to wish list - restart Catch Up video - repeat as necessary. Also, I like Wolf Creek (haven't seen any of the sequels though). I didn't really view it as torture porn, but I've only seen the theatrical cut, not the unrated version. I think it's a fine entry in the genre of "Outsider(s) arrive in a small outback town - shit goes terribly wrong", that was (probably) started by Wake in Fright.


Just watched Wish Upon. It's bad -- really bad -- but not at all Troll 2 / Samurai Cop / The Room bad. It's clumsy and stupid and I'll have forgotten it by next week.


i have the disorder portrayed in split; fyi, people protested the movie online, me included. i don't really expect you guys to know anything about mental illnesses or what goes on in MI communities online, but i wanted to let you guys know that people did protest and we're not all locked up in padded cells. 😋


I watched Mayhem shortly after watching this video. It was bad. Trying to be too clever and "cool" for its own good. I hate you, Mike and Jay.


Watching Wish Upon tonight, thanks for the rec

Michael Matzat

Prevolution Revolution Survival Your planet of the apes movie names in germany. I kid you not. :D


Gahhh I legitimately feel bad for Mike having to watch movies in the theater that he doesn’t give AF about, just cause it’s what us as an audience/followers demand. This is a refreshing side of them talking about films that they watched at their own volition. It’s apparent that Mike enjoys light hearted TV like, The Office, Parks and Rec etc. and Jay watches Horror, and anything David Lynch 😍 great synergy


I really appreciate it when we get an episode that has absolutely nothing to do with superhero movies. I thought the pairing of the Disaster Artist and Ed Wood reviews was great and this episode was refreshing too.


I just saw Ingrid goes west because of this video, thanks hack frauds!


yeah plinkett review of wish upon.


Holding out hope for another Fuck you, its's January. PS you should create audio files of HITB and upload them as a podcast to Spotify. I'm killing my mobile plan streaming old HITB on my commute.


download them and save them to your phone? I'm sure RLM won't mind since you support them on patreon. btw check out Good Bad or Bad Bad on youtube, they're great to listen to too