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We have now filmed a Half in the Bag for Blade Runner 2049! Half in the Bag as well as a Plinketto Best of the Worst coming soon!


Bill Lehecka

So you filmed a half in the bag of half in the bag of Blade Runner 2049?

Matthew Livernoche

According to Wikipedia, Blade Runner 2049's budget was $185 million and the worldwide box office was $4 million. Sad!


The Plinketto Board has died more times than Sam & Dean Winchester combined.


Should be interesting review. I enjoyed the movie, not a masterpiece but had strong visuals and stand out scenes.


Perfect, I just saw Blade Runner today


Non-spoiler movie question: did anyone notice that, unlike all the other settings that were identified with on-screen text, the scenes in Las Vegas didn’t explicitly establish the location until later? Even when it’s shown on a map, the name of the city is (distractingly) out of focus. Maybe the studio demanded a quick edit after the recent shooting?


Yea, I was kind of wondering about that too. POTENTIALLY SPOILER-ISH COMMENT: They mentioned that it was 'the most irradiated place on Earth', but that's about it - so I thought for some reason that they meant Chernobyl. There was no mention of Las Vegas at all, I don't think.


Can't wait!


Kewl, we're seeing Blade Runner II on Sunday. I've never made it through the first one (soooo boring), I'll have to read the wikipedia plot summary ahead of time.


You should try watch the first one. At least try doing it in two or three sittings. Would help with getting some stuff in Blade Runner 2