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Hey everyone. We finally had the chance to see Baby Drive. We also filmed the wraparound segment for the next Half in the Bag yesterday. Once we see Spiderman: Homecoming and shoot and edit the discussion for both those, we'll have the next Half in the Bag out! We've also been editing the next Best of the Worst so that'll come out shortly after. 


Jesse S

I'm interested to hear what you guys think of Spider-Man. It's not very good.

Dave Pallas

I hear it's alright but feels like Iron Man 2 and Thor 2 where nothing of importance happened.

Dave Pallas

Also watched the original Toby Spiderman movies last night and they're really works of art on just growing up and being an adult. The first 20 minutes of SM2 almost had me in tears it was relatable with family, friends, and money trouble.


I was expecting a bizarre mash-up of Baby Driver and Spider-Man: Homecoming. 😞


Honestly, I couldn't care less about the Tony Stark - Spiderman dynamic. As great as he is, I'm kind of tired of the RDJ Iron Man shtick. Move on pls. I'm more excited for Black Panther.


"Hey everyone. We finally had the chance to see Baby Drive." It's two hours of Ryan Gosling staring blankly at a baby.

Jon G

People still watch movies? I just use them to place bets with my friends over the rotten tomatoes score, then we all go watch TV. I've got the Emoji Movie at a first ever -12%, after a substantial number of critics kill themselves in the theater.

Straight Queer

Can't wait for the War for the Planet of the Apes review.


Baby Drive heh


War of the planets of the apes of the


Very interested to see what you think of Baby Driver. I liked it but not as much as I expected it to based on my enjoyment of his previous work.


Baby Driver 2: Drive Harder




When's the wedding happening you frauds?


I can't wait.


Is it me or is Baby Driver the worst name for a movie that doesn't involve an infant going on a slapstick adventure?

Gar Kelleher

Do ye always go to see the movies together at the same time?


Baby Driver's Day Out


Homecoming gave me that same warm feeling inside, as Guardians 2 did. Marvel keeps bumping out 200mill dollar indie movies, and they are getting more and more competent at it.


Any new audio commentaries coming soon?


Baby Driver - over-rated? Hearing things like that.


I loved the first half of baby driver, then I got a little bored, possibly because I'm old now.


In the end I didn't feel invested in the characters. Great concepts but not really well executed. Choppy, disorienting editing. Felt like 50% Edgar / 50% studio. At least that's my honest opinion, without any spoilers.


I haven't seen it yet - people seem to love Edgar Wright, but I find I'm always luke warm on his stuff - lots of it is well executed, but the tone in his films always feels all over the map to me.