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Hi friends! Here's a random video we recently made after watching the documentary Beware the Slenderman. We'll make this video public eventually but thought we'd post it here early as both a thank you for your continued support and just to get some early feedback on it. We like doing these random one-off type videos from time to time when inspiration strikes.

Also, heads up that a new Best of the Worst should be up either Monday or Tuesday. Hoot!


Did Red Letter Media Invent Slenderman?

Mike and Jay recently saw the HBO Documentary Beware the Slenderman and noticed some odd coincidental similarities between the Slenderman myth and their own character from an older film they made.



You goofy hack frauds. Keep 'em coming! That was fun to watch.


That was fun, indeed! I love the complicity between the two of you. Thanks for expanding my knowledge of Wisconsin, which consisted of Ed Gein, Jeffrey Dahmer and yourselves. And Pabst Brewing Company.


Too late, I already watched The Recovered a couple years ago!


Also, did Redlettermediums also inspire this 30 Rock bit? <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6iRRgykyr4" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6iRRgykyr4</a> is this a Grabowskis homage?


I've yet to hear RLM mention Dark City (1998). That has tall men, creepy kids, and a memorable Kiefer Sutherland limp.


Love it


Confirmed for Slender man. I understand you folks call water fountains, 'bubblers'. I suspect that's what led to Ed Gein. Just a theory.


I heard that they based the Star Wars prequels off of Plinkett's review of the prequels. Lucas is such a hack fraud.


I mean it wasn't just that the Slenderman stabbing happened in the same state, that shit was like just up the ways, right? But I love these one-offs.


I really like the little videos like this, with no set format that needs to be followed. Just an excuse to get an idea out there that is perhaps too short a subject to include in one of your full series.


Now we need a documentary where the people who originally designed the Slenderman and wrote his early mythos are tracked down and their cable viewing histories are analysed. With beautiful drone footage of all their back yards.


i always think of The Tall Man from Phantasm........


Coincidentally, the main character in Marble Hornets is named Jay, and his friend Alex was an amateur film maker who started seeing Slenderman in the background of scenes from his movie. Perhaps they didn't just steal your ideas, but your identity, too! Also, I like the random videos a lot. I think you should do more of them, like your opinions on other documentaries that you've watched.


I had to google The Recovered to make sure you guys wasn't making shit up just to mess with us.


Gotta ask if that Kowalski guy saw your movie


In hindsight, you should have had Rich or Jack in the background as Slenderman.


The last joke got me as much as Jay.


That statue of the Fonz is creepier than any Slender Man meme I've ever seen.


very cool


I enjoyed this. It was quite interesting, even if it may have been an eight minute stealth advert for The Returned.


Love the random videos!


This is a good one, Wisconsinites will be amused.