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Junior gets a big outfit redesign! her former clothing was based off of Lili's concept design, so i wanted to give her a fit that better suited her.

I'm also working on more Hazbin redesigns, Nifty and Angel Dust (yes i know, ANOTHER angel dust redesign). I actually had no plans on doing so, but a really talented artist and HH/HB redesigner asked me to do nifty, so i said why not. i also went on to do angel dust as well because after the years passed, i felt like i still didn't capture the essence of his character (prior redesigns were made before seeing the pilot and music video, so i was just under the impression that AD was some feminine mafia guy). I decided he'd likely have two outfits, one he wears in public and one while he's committing crimes. both cunty.

Nifty was fun to do, i plan to have this cute design while showing some sketches of a "scarier" form. she's fly based, as flies are considered gross and nifty is described as being gross herself (also a fun irony in a maid being a "gross" fly).

I'd love to get these redesigns out in october, but anything is possible. I may save these for next year due to an event coming up.




I've been praying every night for junior to be back. You can't fathom the pure bliss and ecstasy I'm experiencing this moment in my life 😳😱