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When that Big Mom moment dropped in the manga, a lot of ppl didn’t like it. Well I trusted Oda so it was whatever lol.


I'm still shook. I still don't understand how this is going to work but as you said...I trust Oda..lol


Apparently it is possible to gain amnesia from near-drowning experiences and I know Luffy didn't get amnesia, but considering Big Mom already has mental issues and memory problems I guess it made kinda sense? She can't remember anything about eating the kids and Mother Carmel and she can't remember anything that happens during her food rampages so I guess she was really vulnerable to amnesia (of course this is just speculation lol). I for one wasn't really fond of this idea, but I also didn't hate it either when I first read this,so I just decided to wait and see how Oda would put it into play.


Oh man you ain't seen nothing yet lol


I will say many, many manga readers found that ending bit very dumb. i was mostly bored with the first chunk of Wano. it's more fun as a watch. I was a little too hyped for Wano, when Oda said it would be bigger than Marineford.

Dante Moten

Yeah, Big Mom is definitely not 100% sane. I think I rationalized it the same way you did. Her near-death experience most likely caused her amnesia. After all, I doubt she has had many near-death experiences, especially ones dealing with water/drowning.


Hah, now rewatching it with you I notice they showed her losing her memory right at the start of the episode. Picturing killing Luffy and then it all gets wiped away as she's drowning :O


But using the dream thing, if u recall, at the end of the dream you see the dream kinda get wiped away. That's when I picked up on something being wrong, cuz why else was the scene there.


Not that many found it dumb. People were mostly just curious if it would turn into a cliché memory loss story or something else. As for the "Marineford" bit. Oda said "there is something coming up that will be bigger than Marineford". He never explicitly stated he was referring to Wano.


big mom losing her memory, well lets just say that you aint ready for the outcome of this. In fact almost 99% of us manga readers didn't see "THAT" coming.


Zoro has not had a single difficult fight since the timeskip. Sanji on the other hand fought Vergo (had a fisure), almost got killed by Doflamingo, and got ganged up by his family.


Oh, thanks for the shout out. Maybe I do remember the Kenshin reference because the new life action movie is going to come out. It will be about the Jinchuu arc, I'm pretty pumped about it.


You don't think going against Hawkins was a difficult fight? I think the fights we've seen from Zoro seem to be nothing because of the way he just is. Monet was seemed to be hard to me but Zoro just has this ability to scare the poop out of ppl. Even him going against Pica in essence would've been hard for anybody else.


Younkou memory shennanigans are about to ensue. Also, medically speaking (albeit uncommon), hypoxia may induce memory loss https://www.healthline.com/health/cerebral-hypoxia#symptoms So I was ok with Oda using this plot device.


Honestly, this caused a huge stir in the community when it happened. Short term memory loss from drowning is a REAL THING though. I had faith in Oda, and he never lets us down.


Oda loves to make Big Mom into Big Meme over and over and over again. It sucks because I like her character a lot.


Looks like it’s code “beach whale” with the gang.🐳🐳🐳


a good way to bring attention and awareness to the issue then :)

Ian Kirk

Man I got a feeling she's gonna get her memories back as soon as she runs into Luffy.