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Though I have my opinions on this fight, it was CRAZY how Kaido took all those hits from Luffy and he ends up knocking the pupils outta of him. Also the animation was pretty dope. I honestly think me being able to binge OP all this time has spoiled me and watching weekly is not cutting it. lol
**Also my mic wasn't plugged into my camera while recording so the audio isn't going to be crystal clear. I feel so bad and was actually debating to put this up or not. Hopefully it doesn't ruin your experience.**


(No title)



Luffy got BabyShake!


By the way, are you still reacting that One Piece cup noodles commercial?


WASTED (In more ways than one) XD some your comments touches on something very interesting.


The episode had a great fight even though in the manga that didnt happen, in the manga Luffy goes all out using gear four and Kaido sighs in disappointment that Luffy didnt damage him. Then Luffy gets one shotted. Keep in mind Kaido didn't even need to use haki and took all the hits without getting a scratch showing how weak Luffy is against him. Luffy's strongest attack was nothing to Kaido.

J Syc

Get well soon Allona 🤗


Get fucked luffy lol


Kaido is the type of guy to tank all hits with his normal body without using haki xD


Allona please consider watching the last season of Attack on Titan 🙂


I'm all for her watching AOT, but I'd rather she watched Beastars pretty please XD

Delip K Hurtault

It didn't seem like much happened because they pretty much turned on manga panel into one full episode. That's why it feels like that

Ian Kirk

Do you know what chapter covers this whole interaction between Luffy and Kaido? Would like to see it for myself cause I'm thinking I'll start comparing it (after watching the anime first of course). Hopefully I don't get sucked into reading ahead though :P

Ian Kirk

I enjoyed this episode compared to the last 20 episodes or so but I'll say that I'm not really feeling this new animation with Luffy having a red aura. In small doses I'm sorta okay but I feel like it's just used way too much.




One thing that I believe is a big misconception is that it’s all luffy’s fault that this happened. How would anyone react to their crew potentially dying ? I think anyone person would go after the one who might have killed their crew. While Luffy is dumb but emotion is what drives him.


Why I say this is Luffy's fault is because though his whole crew did get blasted by Kaido, so did Law's. Law didn't react at all how Luffy did. Yes Luffy is driven strongly by his emotions, which has gotten him so far, BUT if anything him getting hit unconscious was definitely his fault. Luffy is so honorable but definitely has his flaws. This is just my opinion though. I think by now we should see reacting to emotions first should not be the call of action. Look what happened to Ace😭


who else remembers big Mom blocking a punch of Luffy's with armament haki, while kaido here taking multiple powerful punches of angered Luffy like it's nothing and by the end of it he baby-shakes Luffy.


As a manga reader I personally enjoyed the added scenes, yes they stretched out Luffy pummeling Kaido a bit, but overall animation made it enjoyable. I already know that the anime only adapts 0.5-0.75 worth of a chapter every episode so I don't expect a lot to happen every single episode as some episodes seem better than others. But these two episodes have been amazing animation wise!


I totally understand. The animation was definitely great. Though I love animation I think I'm more so a story person just in general so though the animation was great I would prefer more story sustenance in this episode. I just think I've been too spoiled with bingeing..lol


Kaido is like a stronger version of Bullet.


Answer is from inside out.


Yep, the difference between Yonko and Yonko commanders(who Luffy struggled against) is ASStronomical.🐉🔭😵


We know Kaido wants to die so I think he purposely let Luffy hit him not just because he is drunk as f.


Stampede is just foreshadowed upcoming fight against Kaido. Not same players but same or similar way.


How many times did you recommend it in the comments of her or SMF's lol. You've got me intrigued, do you recommend watching the anime or reading the manga ? The drawings are not very good and the cgi animation looks cheap.


This is pretty much how watching One Piece weekly feels. You are left feeling like nothing happened and the story didn't advance. That's mainly the reason people switch to the manga or just wait till the arc is over to begin watching.


Rewatch Luffy Vs Sentomaru couple times and Rayleigh showing haki to Luffy. Is not confirmed anywhere is just speculation but Sentomaru design looks like is from Wano. And we know Sentomaru has good relationship with Kizaru who was interested in going to Wano before this arc started.


Hey, Allona, this is just a suggestion so I'd be curious what you think about it. So, I've been watching Uzumaki Khan and what he started doing recently with One Piece is that after he watches the episode, at the end of the reaction he also reads the corresponding manga pages for a comparison. This way you can still enjoy the anime experience but also check afterwards what was canon and what was not. And regarding the pages, I'd say someone like Ssef could download them and send them to you or just tell you from which site and until where to read.

Alex Reyes true 1 PIECE FAN

Wait until till next episode to read the manga panels because after this episode there’s going to be an anime break.


You even said it yourself that you couldn't take it seriously because you thought Kaido was drunk, but that's just the anime overdoing the drunk thing way too much. Kaido showed no "drunkness" once he reverted back to a human. That was all Toei's doing. The whole reason he was getting hit is because he was testing Luffy's capabilities. He wants to know what the little brat that messed with him is capable of doing so he lets Luffy go all out on him. This notion is strongly backed up by Kaido letting out a *SIGH* after Luffy's Organ attack which is completely removed from the anime. Him sighing shows his disappointment in Luffy and then he proceeds to one-shot him because he has no more use/interest in Luffy. It's really annoying that Toei decides to leave little things out and add other things in because I feel like it changes the entire scene and what it originally tried to portray in the source material.


The weapon of Kaido is called " kanabō (金棒) " I think.


I see it the same way you do, but I just see it as a good way to start the arc, Luffy does what we know him best for in all the other arcs right at the jump in Wano, and it doesn’t work out bc we really in over our heads lol. Mad excited (and shook) to see where it goes from here


Luffy thought he was "gonna be okay", instead he should have been "perfectly ready" ;)

John tran

haha must feel like an Ant bite to kaido lol See plot amor haha. If one day luffy team up with people to beat Kaido or 1 vs and win kaido. To me it doesn't count haha. Kaido already beat luffy now and could of kill him but didn't.