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So I forgot to insert the background image after the intro..Sorry guys 


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7.30am here in Auckland New Zealand. I work overnight shift and I always look forward to your videos when i finish work. Need to watch before i sleep haha


Now that was an entrance!! And shirahoshi not telling anything to honor her mother's wish... that was powerful since she was so young.


Shirahoshi does have observation haki, but she also has another ability besides that which is communication with the sea kings


"hell to nah BYE" - Allona 2019


I actually like the black background better.

Jyn Jilly

Hey Allona for me personally I prefer the black background. Makes the video easier to see, also kind of feels like watching a movie.

Water Rob

Best surprise so far today! I literally cannot wait for the next group of episodes. Everybody in here knows why ;)


Black background was not bad... also i'm soo hyped for the next episodes :)


Hype hype hype for the next eps, facts ready <3


Hmm, I've got some dry eyes. I can't handle brightness all that well, so a darker background makes the video significantly easier to watch.


you know what! i love black screen Bay the way :) hahahahah can't wait for next episode <3


In case you didn't see my comment on your last youtube video Allona, don't watch SMF videos for a while.


the next episodes gonna be hype


Kk. I only watch her every now and then, so I am not an avid watcher. Thanks for the heads up!


When’s next reaction? I can’t wait.


Gret reaction can't wait to see your reaction to the next episodes.

christian garcia

does Allona work as a stylist? She looks different and cool on every single video


I cant wait the next reaction is going to be the GOAT


there are 3 types of haki. Zoro used one of them. Zoro beat Hody in the water, where he is at his strongest. What does that tell you about Hody? The steroids gives power in exchange for life force.


every1 has both haki, however her was born with perception haki pretty maxed, she just needs some minor conetration and focus to use it efficiently, which is y she didnt dodge, but u saw turn around as the bullet shot to her, she knew it was coming but only it was too late just hody planned and uk she knew it was hody cuz she could sense him. shirahoshi wasnt born with it maxed but she does have it like every1 else in one piece, shes more likely to develop it than her brothers tho with everythings shes been thru and how much focus she can have.


looks good like that