Power source and storage for Udon game systems (Patreon)
Hi everyone,
I have come up with a way to power and balance vehicles that don't use combustion engines such as the hover tank.
What is it?
A reactor powered energy system. It consists of a reactor that provides heat, this heat goes to a turbine, and this turbine provides power to a capacitor for storage.
Devices can tap into this power storage to keep running, and the reactor will automatically adjust to meet power demands (in this case it will try to recharge the capacitor).
Some vehicles or installations may be too small and may only have the energy storage,these vehicles must recharge by finding a power source.
What kind of devices will use this power source?
Electric motors, hover engines, weapons, displays. Anything deemed suitable that requires power to function for gameplay balancing purposes.
For example:
- Vehicle may require X amount of power to run.
A well balanced vehicle won't use up all of its power when moving and or firing and moving.
If you choose to upgrade mobility, you will may have less power to fire the weapons and this can lead to the system shutting down due to lack of power.
In the image below, it shows that a connected laser weapon is using up all of the power stored and the reactor+turbine combo has reached the maximum power supplied to try to keep up.
In this case, the power storage runs dry each time the laser fires. This vehicle won't be able to move if the movement required the power storage to run.