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This week has been exhausting. Gumroad banning NSFW. Changes to Patreon. And it looks like soon you'll be able to be sued for posting rule 34 to Twitter. I didn't get much done. The temptation to go in to a rant is very strong, but I just wanna offer some art in this trying time.

I need to do some final edits for the Toph page. The Lois/Superman page is still in the rough stage, but its getting there. The Lois Superman page is also kind of representative of what will be on this patreon in the future.

Also, I can't stress enough.




Don't know if putting stress on subscriberstar means it's still not approved you yet or that you want us to go there now or something along those lines? If the first will move there instead when I can, if the second all I can do is just give my condolences on them still not doing so, either way great page nonetheless


I really don't know how to successfully get people to move, but, to throw some obvious stuff out there, I'd suggest making a Patreon post and pinning it, and making it publicly accessible so anyone can see it. Basically, briefly explain Patreon's stupid new ToS, and your general frustration with Patreon, but also your financial dependence on it, at least until all of us supporting you move/follow you to another platform. Maybe mention how you're not gonna be the only one having to do this, so if there's another artist the reader of the post follows that would be affected, go ahead and make a Subscribestar account (the idea here being people are less likely to be lazy and not move to Subscribestar if it's several or multiple artists having to move, instead of just one. If you have any idea who else is in a similar boat, who also shares Patreons with you, maybe try and coordinate with them--again, people are less likely to be lazy if several artists are explaining that they have to move platforms to keep providing the content they have been and could you follow me please). Now, I don't know if this is true, but I read somewhere that Patreon takes an 8% cut. Taking this at face value, assuming that Subscribestar takes a smaller cut/charges a flat fee that works out to be less (which, kind of a bold assumption, but I figure that *just* being a place that allows for more stuff than Patreon isn't enough to be a good business model--since all creators would have trouble getting people to move, they'd also need to be more competitive financially), maybe try mentioning that as well. Basically "I know you already have a Patreon account and don't want to have to make a new one for a site you might not have even heard of before that doesn't have an app, but, on top of the creative freedom/less restricted content (i.e. I can keep posting the stuff I've been posting), I also see more of the money you send me, and Subscribestar also doesn't stalk me like Patreon*." to again, encourage people to make the move. I already had a Subscribestar account, so I can't know for sure, but I probably would've made on solely on "that's where Toph Heavy is gonna be because Patreon's new ToS are stupid," but I at least like to think that "BTW, I see more of your money" would've also gotten my ass in gear, making an account. I'm giving money for early access/WIP and stuff, ya, but (for you at least) it's also in no small part to support you, so, for me at least, that's a pretty good motivator. You don't have to say what Subscribstar's *is*, though if it's a big difference (say, 4% instead of 8%--which, don't just say "they take a 4% cut and Patreon takes 8%" also or instead say "They take *HALF* of what Patreon does) I'd recommend it, assuming it's not against Subscribstar's ToS. (Of course, all that's a moot point if Subscribestar is equally or even less competitive with Patreon, but, like I said, I doubt that's the case. They're a company, and as such they're not just gonna want to get the business/creators that are too naughty for Patreon's ever-more Puritan standards, they're gonna want to take creators from Patreon.) In the post/a comment, have the subscribestar link. Additionally, make a post on twitter asking people to move or warning them that you'll be moving your Toph Heavy stuff to Subscribestar, so go there instead of Patreon. I don't know how Twitter chooses to suppress posts, but if it tends to do so more because you include *links to other sites,* and less because you, like, use certain phrases or whatever, then for Twitter I'd suggest making a post (and maybe also pinning it there) that says basically "Hey, if you're one of my Patreons or considering becoming one, go the the pinned post on Patreon. I can't directly link it because then Twitter will suppress this post and you won't actually see it, but the link's at the top of my page." Another thing might be changing the Patreon link from just your page to that pinned post, idk if Twitter would let you do that. Also, if you can, have another link on your Twitter page for Subscribestar. (Does Ko-Fi allow NSFW stuff? I know for SFW creators it's straight-up better, at least in several important ways, because Ko-Fi charges a flat $4.50 fee per month instead of Patreon's ~8%, which, unless you're making less than $75 a month from your Patreon, is significantly less.) Also, haven't heard shit about you maybe being able to get sued for posting NSFW stuff on Twitter, so hopefully that's an exaggeration, but if not, I guess now's a good a time as any to also make Mastodon and Blue Sky accounts? Jesus, that was a lot longer than I intended. Sorry. I just kinda feel like life's given you a pretty rough hand, and since I'm not in a position to say "this is a good artist, I wanna help them" and wire you like 10 grand to cover rent and then hook you up with someone to get/complete formal training (assuming you haven't already) or otherwise help you help yourself, I tried to give as much advice as I could think of? Regardless, take care.


Your heart's in the right place, but you absolutely do not know what you are talking about. If it weren't for the fact that your heart is in the right place, I'd be a little insulted. Let me explain why: 1. People don't read and people don't care. When I worked in retail, people didn't read one-word signs. This is true for being an online artist as well. Huge explanations rarely, if ever, move the needle. And I want you to understand that the huge post a few days ago was made realizing that very few would read it. Life is hard for everyone, why should anyone care about my situation? Why should anyone care that since 2016 I've never crossed out of the poverty threshold? People just care about content and easy access to it. I of course tell people where they can find things and how they can support. That's my job, but there's no guarantee and the safe bet is that nothing will happen. 2. Pinned posts don't matter. I had a pinned post to Gumroad on Twitter, and despite having over 15k followers, only about 50 people ever actually went to buy the thing. The better strategy is constantly reminding people. That's why every youtuber trying to make a living asks you to subscribe in every video. You have to remind people with every new post of a thing. Even with constant reminders, it's hard to move the needle. This is how it works on every site. From Deviant Art to Tumblr to Twitter. This is especially true on Patreon as, despite have 170+ patrons, about 10 of you interact with these posts regularly. 3. Twitter suppresses anything that mentions another site. Using code to sort of get around that doesn't work. People don't want to play a puzzle on Twitter. 4. Moving anyone from twitter anywhere else is a chore. You say It's a good time to make a Blue Sky account. I don't know if you're saying that it's time for you to make a blue sky account, or if you're saying I should make a bluesky account. If it's the latter.... I have had one for months. I haven't been silent about it either. For a long time my name on twitter was Morganagod@bluesky. Every time Twitter did something stupid I was like "go to my bluesky account." Every time I posted a new Toph Heavy I'd say "You can find more recent stuff on blue sky." I even offered blue sky invites when I posted Toph Heavy stuff. I changed my name and stopped doing that because it flat out doesn't work. Currently there is a linktree which includes a link to Bluesky. After several months of effort... of the 17k people on twitter... around 200 made the jump to blue sky despite these efforts to get them to move. Yet its possible that you aren't aware of my bluesky and thus you are a walking example of how people don't pay attention and don't move. And that's where I get annoyed. Why are you trying to give advice that won't even work with you? There's this presumption that I run into a lot online from people with no experience and that's "if a person/company just does x then things will work out/they'll be successful." Take this as a learning experience for you that this is not the case. The reality is that EVERYTHING in this field is a crapshoot. You can make the best stuff in the world and be ignored, and you can make garbage and be successful. It's why despite never making minimum wage, I've always considered myself very lucky. The amount I make is so much more than what others make and I am cognizant of that fact and grateful. That's also why joy as an artist has to come from making the thing, not success. Successful artists who pretend that luck had nothing to do with their success have always annoyed me because they are wrong. As an artist you can't control situations. You can't control who or how many people respond to your work. You can only control the quality of the stuff you produce, which is what I try to do. I am moving and I am putting good stuff there. That is my strategy. If you want to help there are two things you can do. You can sub to subscribestar (which you are doing, thank you) and you can tell other people about it. That's it. Everything else, well-intentioned as it may be, is not helpful. I hope that doesn't come across as rude,.