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I've actually had this image since sometime in the summer. Just never could come up with a story for it until now. There's some weirdness to it, but that's a given with Midjourney art. Especially since this was made in a prior version of it where it struggled with more abstract topics (plus me being inexperienced with it).

Hopefully I can pull this off again at some point, though without the weirdness. Also, Tom is hot. I wanted to include more 'out of the painting' stuff, but I was running out of room. But yeah, really nice body-type that presses a lot of buttons for me.


Tom and Mike found themselves reluctantly dragged along to an art museum by their girlfriends, Lisa and Emma. Where as both women were huge lovers of art, their men were the complete and exact opposites. Both men had little interest in art and instead had hoped to spendd the fall weekend watching football or just getting drunk. However, the persuasive powers of their significant others proved to be too much and both men had been dragged along on the already expensive and incredibly boring double date. But as Lisa and Emma immersed themselves in the world of art, chattering about painters and styles and other nonses, Tom and Mike took the opportunity to sneak away, deciding to have some fun of their own within the museum's wall. They strolled through the various exhibits, exchanging sarcastic remarks about the abstract paintings and avant-garde sculptures, poking fun at the hard work of artists and the artwork regardless of the other patrons of the arts, only quieting when one of the museum employees passed by. 

As they turned a corner, a peculiar painting caught their attention. The small bronze plaque on the frame had the title 'Judgment of the Divine.' engraved on it, with the obligatory 'Ddo Not Touch' warning draped across the small velvet lined cordon rope that separated the painting for the viewers. The artwork depicted a divine scene with a powerful looking god, wreathed in clouds and attended to by several powerful looking men in armor. But there was a bit of...weirdness to it, almost as if the central deific figure was actively judging those that looked upon it. And in this case, the bearded god seemed to be judging Tom and Mike. 

"Look at this asshole" Tom scoffed, "'Judgement of the Divine'? More like 'Judgement of my derpy looking face'! What a loser. At least most of these paintings have a hot chick in them, this one is a sausage fest!" Tom began to reach over the cordon, a finger outstretched.

"Woah, hey man, don't touch it!" Mike warned.

"Dude, don't be such a whiny bitch!" Tom said with a cruel laugh as he flicked the painted diety lightly on the nose before leaning back and looking at his finger, "Or maybe there is a bitch in there. Him! Oh dude, look, it's fake! There's paint on my fing-"

But Tom was cut off as time seemed to freeze around the two men, as the painting itself seemingly came to life! The overhead lights of the museum flickered ominously, the oils on the canvas in front of them shifting and sliding into new positions as the divine being's face contorted from judgement into anger, and his closed fists raised into an accusational point that seemed to follow Tom as the man backpedaled away from it. 

"A BITCH AM I!? THE ONLY BITCH I SEE IS YOU!" A thundering, powerful voice seemed to roar from the painting.

Then with each flicker of light, Tom disappeared. The dot of paint, seemingly fresh, spread from Tom's hand, covering the art critic's body in a swirl of inky colors as they traveled up his arms, across his torso and legs and finally, covering his face and head and pouring into Tom's mouth as he screamed in terror! The strange paint-colored body twitched violently with each flicker of the light as it was changed; it's body shrinking slightly as it's hips and rear ballooned outwards. It's limbs turned slender, Tom's well defined and bulging arm muscles erased as a large multicolored blob of paint hung heavily off a rounding face that was regaining features. Full, puffy lips, large eyes and long lashes, a cute nose...And a cavity formed in the bulge of the figure's crotch as it caved in as Tom's body turned decidedly womanly. And then with the sound of heavy splatters the paint began to drip off the contorted figure until Tom, or at least, the incredibly attractive woman with long, curly brown hair and a golden dress that hugged her delicious curves that had replaced him, was visible once more. She took a high-pitched gasp of air and began coughing, splatters of paint joing the mess on the floor as it slowly oozed it's way back towards the painting of the Divine Being, who now had a triumphant, cruel grin on it's face.

"O-oh g-god!" Tom coughed as the last of the paint left her body, before her eyes went wide and slender, feminine hands clutched at her throat in horror. Those wide, brown eyes, shimmering with tears slowly looked down as her hands traveled with her gave, tiny phalanges cupping the new massive breasts that sat on her torso before struggling to feel the true width and breadth of the ass she now possessed. She looked at Mike, her expression full of horror, before thel ights flickered once more. And with each flicker, Tom's new body seemed to melt, returning to the paint that had created it! Before Mike's own wide eyes he watched as the incredibly curvy, attractive woman melted into a golden puddle with traces of red and brown swirls as it quickly made it's way towards the painting, and the speechless man swore he could hear the distant screams of Tom's otherwise throaty and sultry voice begging for help. But then, after the golden blob had climbed the short vertical distance and entering into the frame with a audible SLURP, the painting shimmered.

Mike stumbled back in shock, wide-eyed and speechless, as the golden blob expanded outwards, restoring Tom's new body...Inside the painting! He watched as the golden dress spread across bountiful breasts and the wife, child-bearing hips, and watched as Tom's new face returned in an expression of terror. And the Divine Being itself shifted, now looming over it's new companion in the painting, a large and powerful arm outstretched as it smacked Tom's robust rear. And then the flickering lights ceased and time seemed to return, the painting looking as solid as ever. And the small plaque now read "A Woman's Judgement by the Divine".

"T-Tom?" Mike stammered, and reached out a hand towards his friend's form, now immortalized on canvas, but the lights flickered again in a threatening manner, and he pulled back his hand. Frantically, Mike rushed back to find Lisa and Emma, desperate for help. However, when he approached them, they seemed perplexed, as if they had never known Tom. Not even his girlfriend, Emma!

"I, like, think I'dd knoww if I was dating someone!" Emma said with a giggle. Even showing the two girls the painting, with Tom wailing for help as his behind was spanked and fondled, was met with disinterested stares.

"Such a misogynistic painting. Great anatomy and form though!" Lisa had said before the two headed for the exit. Mike slowly followed, checking his phone to see that any instance of Tom had been removed from reality. The only thing left was the woman in the painting. As he exited the museum, now with a far greater appreciation of art and the subjects depicted within it, Mike swore that he saw the Divine Being blink at him, all while the woman that Tom now was continued to scream silently for help.



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