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New comic, yay! We get to the last of the changes for Zara's bosses. What happens next?



*Zara places a hand over her face as the old man, Leonard, the long-term CEO of the company and the one who forced the wish upon all of them, begins to change, his body shimmering as it begins to shift*

Leonard: "I look forward to seeing what you'll be able to do on this project! We need young blood in this company to keep us competitive!"

*Decades roll off of Leonard as he grows younger, just like the others. His skin begins to turn a deep brown as his previously white hair rustles itself outward as it turns black. In the blink of an eye a entirely new individual, only a little older than Zara, is standing there*

Leo: "Haha, I'll have to be careful you don't sneak up and steal my position!"

*The young man's body shimmers in the office light once more as the masculine curves melt away, all seemingly beginning to pool in his rapidly expanding hips and rear. He continues regress younger and younger, dropping past Zara's age as his dark hair grows much longer and his face becomes exceedingly feminine. Small breasts poke through his changing business suit as his shoes turn into heels and his pants begin to merge together*

Lea: "I hope I'll get chosen to assist you"

Panel 2

*The changes seem to stop as a new and young African-American girl stands there in a white business blouse and a leather skirt which does very little to hide her wide hips and impressive rear. Her hair gains a enormous amount of frizz as it suddenly curls up, becoming a large afro. Amber eyes glitter behind a pair of large glasses as the new woman touches up as few stray curls from her hairdo*

Le'andra: "I've been working really hard to make sure I'm qualified..."

Panel 3

*The new girl shoots Zara, still disguised as her former male self, a sly look and minces forward, doing very little to hide her titanic rear asset as she bends over the conference table, slowly hiking a leg up slightly as she glances back at Zara*

Le'andra: "Here, let me you collect your notes..."

Panel 4

*Le'andra slowly hands the collected papers to Zara, making sure that her hands run across Zara's own. She ignores the eye roll from the new Sporty woman, the concerned and embarrassed look from the former Mitch and the obvious leer from Ramon, formerly Ruth as she turns and heads for the door, making sure to brush Zara with a hip*

Le'andra: "I'm pretty confident you won't be able to find somone who'll...help you...as much as I can"

*She fixes Zara with another sly look before the group of new interns begin to file out the door of the conference room*



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