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Part 1 of 2. Part 2 will be released on Friday.

For the record, Carrie probably deserve what is going to happen to her.


Carrie had two passions in her life; staying fit and looking good. Being attractive above everyone else was her truest desire, and she had focused her life on attaining that goal. The former preppy head cheerleader in high school had become the head cheerleader AND head sorority girl in college, coasting through with fake grades earned through the use of her beautiful body, and after graduating Carrie had hitched herself to a rich little tech nerd right out of college. Their 'romance' was a whirlwind of her seducing the heavyset man in a couple of months and getting hitched in Vegas, all with barely knowing the little dumpy man's name. It was Harold...She thought? It didn't really matter, Harry was too busy being intimidated by her stunning good looks to bother her much, and she more or less lived the life of her dreams. The later half of her twenties had been nothing but spending the easily manipulated nerd's money on whatever it was she wanted, and he had been more than happy to pay for the blonde's boob job. Fashion, she had it all her house, just the right size, and work? She didn't know the meaning of the word! And all of it was no sex required because the nerd barely knew how to flirt, let alone how to please her. That was what hook ups at the club were for! Carrie didn't even have to sleep in the same bed as the pathetic little man; he'd given her the master bedroom and had retreated to the basement where he could dwell with his video games and other nerdy hobbies. Life was good! Of course, with each passing year as she crept towards her mid thirties, Carrie noticed the signs that she was getting older more and more each day. One strand of grey here, a slight wrinkle there, her eyesight getting a tiny bit more blurry. She was aging, despite her best attempts and her strenuous diet and workout routines (as well as the expensive lotions and creams that would supposedly keep her looking younger for longer)! It was threatening to ruin everything! What happened when her fat, ugh, husband didn't find her attractive anymore? He'd kick the trophy blonde to the curve and just get hitched to another pretty girl! Maybe even one that, barf, actually liked him back! And then what would Carrie do? Get a job!? No way! She had grown accustomed to her life of luxury and ease and she was NOT going to go back to dancing!

The worry and stress of it all had caused Carrie to do a bit of impulse shopping the next time she was out and about in town. She liked to visit antique stores and shops, looking for little knick-knacks to decorate HER house with (even if her name was nowhere on the paperwork). Today she was hoping to find some more stuff to make the 'yoga room' feel all New Age and such. It was almost perfect, but it felt like it was lacking something. So thus, when Carrie's eyes fell upon the gorgeous bronze oil lamp (that seemed to have jumped straight from the Aladdin movie), she just felt this uncontrollable need to buy it! A couple of dollars passed to the thicker, green haired girl that was running the store's counter, and Carrie was off, heading home to put the new decoration up. It was getting close to her afternoon yoga session anyway. Upon arriving at the almost palatial home, Carrie wasted no time in sliding out of her cute ensemble and slipping on her work out clothes, the lamp dangling by a slender finger as she bounced into her yoga room. Harry was, as usual, in his dungeon. He'd emerge around dinner time where they'd play husband and wife for half an hour before she banished him back down there, so she knew she wouldn't be interrupted.

"Hmm, where to put you..." Carrie muttered before spying the absolute PERFECT spot on the wall shelf. She hummed a formless tune and smiled as she placed the lamp on the small wooden shelf...But then frowned. Had that dirty mark always been there? "Ugh, I KNEW that place was dirty!" She grumbled, grabbing the lamp back off the shelf and taking a nearby tissue out of it's box and began scrubbing it. She swwore to god if she had to actually get her hands polluted with dish-soap she'd-But the threat never materialized as instead, thick purple smoke did! Carrie let out a shriek as she dropped hte lamp and took several large jumps backwards. Had she bought a prank smoke bomb or something!? Oh, this would totally ruin her yoga room! But then the rapid spewing came to an end as the sideways lamp suddenly righted ITSELF; carrie's eyes going wide at the impossible motion as the oblong object simply flipped itself back onto it's base! And then the growing cloud of purple smoke collapsed in on itself as a HUGE and muscled Middle Eastern looking man appeared, now floating in Cassie's yoga room!

"I AM AZID, GENIE OF THE LAMP!" Azid boomed, his voice rattling the walls and causing Cassie to cover her ears in pain, "FOR RELEASING ME, MORTAL, I SHALL GRANT YOU A WISH OF YOUR HEART'S DESIRE!" It took the sports-bra clad blonde a moment to process the information...And for her ears to stop ringing. And then her baby blue eyes opened wide as an enormous grin parted her lipsticked lips.

"OH MY GAWD, FOR REAL!?" She screamed, jumping up and down in her workout sneakers as excitement overtook her, "THIS IS INCREDIBLE!" Carrie wasn't some bimbo and knew that magic didn't exist but she had just witnessed a MAN appear out of smoke, pouring out of an oil lamp that she KNEW wasn't some weirdo techy projector! Oh, she could wish for anything, she could wish for-

"Hey babe, is everything alright? Did you feel that?" Acroaky male voice, the complete opposite of the floating genie man's powerful one, came from the direction of the basement stairs, "Who are you talking to?"

Carrie's joy turned to annoyance as she held up a finger towards the genie, "UGH, NO ONE HARRY! GO BACK TO YOUR GAMES!"

"Okay okay! Sorry!" The croaky voice apologized, and Carrie waited for the click of the basement door before she turned back to the floating genie...Whatever his name was.

"You promised me a wish, right?" She asked and the Genie nodded, a sinister grin appearing on his face.

"That I did, mistress! A wish of your heart's TRUE desire!" Azid said, baiting the trap.

"Then I wish to be attractive forever! And live in the house of my dreams!" Carrie wished excitedly as she continued to bounce up and down.

"GRANTED!" Azid roared, and with a mighty and thunderous clap of his hands, granted Carrie's wish.




No clue where this is headed, so good job