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My apologies for the delay, but here it is. Actually inspired by my own difficulty in getting a haircut this week, lol. I tried to do a language conversion here, but it messed with the formatting (which was already giving me trouble) too much. So English it is.

And for a certain user...Yes, I DID postpone eating tonight in order to get this finished. :P


Mitch was in a bind. He'd waited too long to get his haircut for his friend's wedding, and now he was scrambling to find an opening at one of the few barbershop in town that could get him in...two hours before he was supposed to head to the wedding venue. He kept telling himself that it wasn't his fault...but in the back of his mind Mitch knew he had sat around on his ass playing video games for too long.

"Ugh, there HAS to be some place in this town where I can get my hair taken care of!" He grumbled as he hung up on yet another full up barbershop. Mitch had gotten just as many 'sorry, no walk ins' excuses as he had busy signals or outright disconnects and now the fumbling Best Man was driving recklessly around town looking for some place, any place, where he could get his overly long locks trimmed. He was about to give up and just go to the wedding with the messiest Jim Halpert haircut ever when he saw the small red sign at the corner of the strip mall. There, nestled in the unassuming and generic white brick and mortar and next to what looked like a video poker lounge, was a tiny little salon. "Glam-Cuts?" Mitch said, squinting to read the rather small sign as he pulled into the parking lot. Even from his truck he could tell that it was beauty parlor and clearly steered towards women. And seemed to be, at least from here, run by a bunch of Asian women. But with time very much not on Mitch's side, he let out a grunt, turned off his truck and heaved himself out of the the vehicle as he made his way to and through Galm-Cuts entrance. The interior was clean and smelled nice, if a little overly-lilac and soft music played from the overhead speakers as every exotic face turned to look at Mitch. He was completely out of place, his tall, beer-gutted, blonde, beat up jeans and t-shirted frame starkly contrasting with the simple but elegant and clearly feminine aesthetic of the salon. There was a brief moment where the six female employees, three other Asian women and the single male simply stared at each other, the lyric-less music being the only thing cutting through the silence. But finally the oldest looking woman unfroze and with tiny but quick steps moved to greet mitch at the front counter.

"Hello! Welcome! What can do for you today?" The woman, whose name tag read 'Jihye - manager' on her somewhat old fashioned looked white and red sweater, said. Her voice was sweet, but Mitch could hear the caution under her heavy accent and somewhat broken English.

"Umm, yeah. Can you, uh, give me a haircut?" Mitch said, fighting the urge to speak loudly and slowly, not wanting to live up to the 'rude American' stereotype. But after a look of confusion on Jihye's face, he sighed and pulled at a shaggy lock of hair and made a snipping motion with his finger. "Haircut? I'm the Best Man in a wedding and I need one fast" He looked down at the desk and spied a small sign that read 'Appointments preferred. No refunds for walk-ins'. Well, that was fine. Mitch was desperate.

Jihye scrunched her brow in confusion for a moment, seemingly processing the words before realization dawned on her, "Oh! Yes yes, we can do haircut! Make you look the best for your wedding!" She said with a warm smile, gesturing him to come around the corner of the desk, which Mitch obliged with a sigh of relief. The older women barked something in her native language and the collection of hairdressers began chattering and nodding to themselves as four of them flurried about as they collected their various tools of their trade as Mitch lowered himself into the salon chair that Jihye presented to him.

"Wow, thanks for this! So I was looking for a-" Mitch started to explain the hairstyle that h e wanted as the cluster of women surrounded him, but Jihye waved a finger in his face with a 'shh shh shh' sound and a smile. Figuring that the older woman and her team knew best, he shrugged and tapped his watch, "Wedding is in two hours.Do your thing but be quick, please"

Jihye simply smiled and nodded as the salon chair was reclined back and his head gently tilting backwards into the rinse sink. Another woman's gentle hands began massaging warm water into his scalp in preparation for the shampoo, and Mitch saw another one holding some form of...eye mask? towards him. With another shrug and a nod, Mitch allowed the mask to be placed on him and darkness and warmth enveloped his face. Mitch wasn't exactly sure when he'd fallen asleep, but the mask was still on his face when he awoke. It had been at some point before he'd gotten down having his hair washed; the warmth of the water and massage had calmed his nerves and relaxed him.

"How...How long was I out?" Mitch grumbled as he pawed at the face mask. He was still too groggy to register why his voice sounded so high and...weird, or why his hair felt so much longer.

"Hang on, sweety. Let me get the mask off" Came Jihye's voice, no longer accented and perfectly understandable, "Close your eyes, it's going to be a little bright!" Mitch did as he was told and he felt the mask slowly being peeled off, and true to her word, bright light filtering through his eyelids. "Okay, you can open your eyes now!" Jihye said, and Mitch once again did as he was told, wincing slightly at the brightness and shying away from the light...Before his eyes and face snapped wide open and straight ahead. There, in the mirror, was a gorgeous young Asian woman staring back at him! Jihye stood off to the side, running a treated comb through long and luxurious looking brunette locks that hung off a face and pooled gently around two large breasts that pressed the soft, silky fabric of a dress! The woman's lips, HIS lips with full and expertly coated with red lipstick, forming a slight 'O' shape at the surprise reflection, and Mitch could feel the slightly cold tickle of metal as the gold necklace the woman was wearing moved against flawless skin! The former man looked down at his new long, manicured nails and shifted long, smooth, hairless legs that were no longer confined within jeans against each other. The void between said legs was impossible to ignore. In that brief moment before the panic set in, Mitch realized he now looked just as gorgeously exotic as all the other women in the salon! He WAS another woman in the salon!

"Oh. Oh my GOD! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!?" He shrieked in his new, hitch pitched voice, his mouth forming words that he KNEW felt wrong but he had said all the same. He tried to get up, but Jihye's firm and powerful hands, much stronger than they had been before Mitch had fallen asleep, pushed him back into the salon chair, turning his face back towards the mirror with the insane reflection. he felt so small and weak now as his new boobs rose and fell with his panicked breaths. If it hadn't been so freaky, he'd consider himself hot as fuck!

"Be still Min-ju, we're almost done..." Jihye grunted in annoyance, and despite Mitch's squirming, she snipped a few last stray strands of hair from Mitch's transformed head before stepping back with a satsified smile, "There! You look great! I'm so glad we could get you in!" She beamed. The new woman in front of her, even if it had been a rush job, was some of her finest work!

"Min-ju? M-my wedding!? Lady, I WASN'T THE ONE GETTING MARRIED!" Mitch, finally free, screamed as he launched himself out of the cursed salon chair, "CHANGE ME BACK INTO A GUY!" He said as he fought against the alien feeling of the large breasts swinging from the action. Out of the corner of his eye he could see his full, new body. He was smaller now, curvy but his boobs were the defining trait of an otherwsie skinny body. If he hadn't been the woman in the mirror, he'd think she was hot!

"Oh...Sorry. I'm still working on my English. you said you wanted to look your best for your man in the wedding, right?" Jihye said with a cautious smile. She was so glad the drying machine had magically replaced the former American's native language with Korean (along with irreversibly changing reality itself). It would be SO much easier to talk with her newest customer now!

"NO! I was the Best Man! I help the Groom! CHANGE ME BACK!" Mitch growled...or rather, whimpered with his new voice. He was starting to realize that he was no longer speaking English. In fact, he wasn't even sure if he could anymore!

"Oh, I'm so sorry about this! Tell you what, Min-ju, once you get back from your honeymoon, I'll give you a discount on all future appointments for a year! Jihye apologized with a shrug as the color drained from Mitch's face as Jihye pointed towards the small sign on the front desk, "But walk-ins don't get refunds!"




This one was great! Love these types of caps from you