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Here is the losers club roster for June. There are quite a variety of characters from many different series. These characters are on the poll based on the number of votes that they have received. Like the other polls there is a 3 vote limit.



You know if you put Tifa, Arieth, RE3 Jill, or any character from a recently released title, their probably going to win and ruin the chance for any other characters.


I'm not trying to ruin the poll/chance in any way. These characters were placed on this poll by the number of votes that they have received. I assume you are talking about Tifa. She is actually #1 in terms of votes in this community so she deserves to be on the poll. She also lost in two other polls.


Yes yes and Yes! I want to see your version of Claire! Cassie too is hot!


Give us Tifa I need her now! :D

John Curran

Tifa all the way!


So I'm kind of curious how entries for this are determined. I was under the impression that this was a way for characters who appeared on multiple vote sessions to get another shot. Are they selected off of how they did during the current month or is it based off of how many times they have been submitted? If its based off how many votes they have gotten, is their total votes received based on their overall performance or is it solely based off of how many leader votes they get? For instance Anna Hentietta makes sense being on this to me because she has been on 9 polls, has the highest total community votes of any loser, and has never won. She isn't a character I care much for but she is the best representation of being worthy of this list I can find. There are also 6 other girls who have been in 4+ polls not on this list Also is the loser pool not affected by the franchise ban since it is still the same month? My only concern here is that the winner of this poll is a leader exclusive. With Tifa being the community favorite last month, I have no doubt she will be a landslide win on the next poll she is eligible for. There may be some anger from lower tier patreons over her being restricted to leaders. I hope I'm not coming off as aggressive, I'm just curious on the selection process. No matter how this poll ends, I'm happy.


Hi Dark, yes that is the intention of this poll. This poll is an attempt to give popular characters another chance. Characters on this roster are here because they have been in multiple polls >1 and also based on the number of votes that they received (unweighted). The method for this poll is still WIP since it is new but it was based on a character's total votes. The votes were gathered from every poll since creating the page including the other loser poll. In your example, while Henrieta was in 9 polls she only has received 84 votes since she has been on the polls. While EDI has 101 votes and Tifa has 141 votes. So she does not have the highest total community votes. The Franchise ban is based on what is reasonable. The ban was created because of the Overwatch and Vindictus series sweeping every poll, so it was a necessity. I understand that some of the Tippers and Supports may be upset if Tifa wins this poll, but she deserves to be on the roster.


Yeah I was trying to figure out the system and patreon was lagging loading old polls. My dumb ass just realized that I read tally for Sam as votes for Anna.

elle marr

i totally misunderstood the purpose of this poll lmao, i thought the losers club was for less popular nominees who were never able to attain a majority vote but showed up so often that a separate poll was created to give them a chance, hence losers. how many votes does a character need to get to make it into this poll?


The method for the poll is still wip. All of these characters were the most popular losers by votes. If I did the losers club based on the least popular characters would ya want them as a leader reward?