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Whenever you find a good spot in a location (particularly a very special one like this rooftop in the center of Milano), and you have a model like Martina at your disposal, you better explore the most possible opportunities to make good photos.
This means to ask her to try a lot of positions, while slightly changing your angle, and keep on shooting away like there is no tomorrow, because most of the time there is not!
I will never have another chance in this place and with this model, and at this time of day, this has been an epic opportunity I grabbed in July 2019 and tried to squeeze the most out of it.
You might have seen some similar photo already, but you've not seen this specific one in the long sequence we took, unless you were allowed in my Archives...
I love to pick these daily pictures from my Archives because even I don't remember having shot that specific pose, and I realise it is showing yet another exquisite aspect of my model.
Sometimes I feel like the lucky founder of a previously unreleased negative film of a nude Marilyn Monroe that is showing some new aspect about her personality or her beauty, and I think to myself that the entire World deserves to see every single picture from this exclusive document, so my mission is to share the pictures one by one, even the less spectacular or glamorous, starting from my Patreon!

If you want to learn more about the Bramley Apple Project, or Archives, or DA subscriptions, ask me on bramleyapple@yahoo.com



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