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Bronze is alive, it is going to change color reacting to your skin and oxygen in the air, developing a patina which is unique to your relationship with the watch.

It is like the human skin we like so much to watch in my photos, maybe you wouldn’t think about making a tattoo on a bronze surface like the one you see on the back of Ary in this picture, but like human skin it can be scratched, leaving a golden cut on the brown surface, that is going to heal with time and the formation of new patina, albeit leaving an unmistakable scar…

I love to shoot these details of body parts with my watches, to show a different aspect of the beauty of my models, with a more intimate scale, details we might not get to appreciate in the regular pictures, but need our attention.

This discipline is forcing me to see my model in a different way, and I hope you like also this point of view.

If you want to learn more about the Bramley Apple Project, or Archives, or DA subscriptions, ask me on bramleyapple@yahoo.com



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