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Using the Leica M with the 35mm Summicron lens from the top may distort the forms of Martina (fortunately in this photos she is more or less flat to the ground), but gives a more intimate feel to the pictures.
And you can never feel intimate enough with this stunning model, so the effect of this camera/lens combo is welcome, even if you can spot one of my feet in the right side lower corner.

I have been using this equipment a lot in the first years of the Bramley Apple project because for the entire duration of 2017 I decided to avoid buying new gear, and invest all the money on booking the best models available in Italy.
In 2018, when this photo was taken, I had started experimenting with new cameras and lens combinations (this was the first set where I used the first iteration of the mirrorless Sony Alpha), but the Leica M with the Summicron 35mm was still holding his ground as one of the pillars in my work.
Even if I have been compelled to use this Leica for a long time, I'm not complaining, because the results I got were outstanding, especially when the light was plentiful like in this July day.
In fact, I still love to use it to this day, when the conditions are favourable.

I may have published this photos before in my blog or social media, but a long time ago and not in high resolution, so I think it is important to refresh our memory and provide the newcomers with this display of beauty...

If you want to learn more about the Bramley Apple Project, or Archives, or DA subscriptions, ask me on bramleyapple@yahoo.com



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