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To celebrate New Year's Eve I've chosen another photo of £lisandra in Consonno, because it has represented a milestone in 2022.
Taking her and Ania in this magical location was pivotal, and I hope I can work again in this place for some public nudity action, especially if the house in Merate is not going to be available any more.

Not much is planned for next year, not yet, apart from a shooting with Annalisa towards the end of January, but I'm confident it is going to be filled with great models!
I'm not going to do as many shootings as in 2022, I hope, because 19 are really too much and I have difficulties in processing all of this material!
But I will surely try to give another chance to all the models that cancelled our previous engagements (Annalisa did it twice, by the way 🤞).

I'm finally finishing the retouching of £lisandra's shooting in Consonno, so I will soon be able to secure it in my Archives and make space for the new stuff arriving next year.
£lisandra does not require much in terms of retouching, but the photos are 824 (between color and BW), that's why it is taking so long.
She's well worth the effort, if you ask me.

See you in 2023! ✌️

If you want to learn more about the Bramley Apple Project or Archives, ask me on bramleyapple@yahoo.com



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