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I know that, with some editing, I could get rid of the creases on the white blanket, to make this photo more appealing.
But that is not what I'm after.
I think my pictures are special because you see things as they really are.
Little make-up, no extensive editing, no tricks.
Lot's of you are happy to see the girls in the most natural way, contrary to the higher sophistication of others photographer's approach.
Sometimes it pays off not being the best retoucher in town, because this makes my work different and more down to earth.
Not only you can see all the creases in the fabric, but you can almost feel the smoothness of Demi's skin thanks to the smallest imperfection of its surface.
My pictures don't have to be perfect, but true to life, to give you the sensation of being with the model herself.
What else could be more engaging than that?

By the way, in this picture Demi is placed in precisely the same spot as Martina in yesterday's picture, on the patio outside the house of a friend photographer.
Amazing how the point of view and the props can change everything!

If you want to learn more about the Bramley Apple Project or Archives, ask me on bramleyapple@yahoo.com



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