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I will go on using #Patreon as usual, because I like the idea of letting people decide what they can actually afford to pay for supporting a creator (particularly during difficult times like these).
I think no other platform gives the opportunity to build a community of true and loyal followers like Patreon, and I still resist the idea of higher tiers or benefits to reward the more wealthy among them.

At the same time I need to develop the #BramleyApple project and try to make more money out of it, now that my main job is no longer capable of supporting my family.
The effort I put on this project justifies some degree of selfishness from my part and the MYM profile is a step in that direction.

But what I can possibly provide to the new subscriber that I’m not already showing elsewhere, and without taking anything away from the current fanbase (either free or on Patreon)?

It has to be something interesting to justify the fixed and higher fee required by MYM.
I came up with the idea of sequences of pictures, some short and some long, published at a rate of 3/6 images per day, mostly in color, to give a better idea about the creative process and about how the model moves around and shows all angles of her figure.
These sequences might be related to a backstage video (I still have to check if I can upload them natively on MYM), or not.

Some pictures might have been shown before elsewhere, but all the other pictures before and after are going to be new, and presented in the same order they were originally shot.

The first example of these sequences is a long story I staged with Dovile (43 photos), where she starts fully dressed and she ends up with nude pictures. 

Next in line is a sequence with Martina, I'm already uploading.

Even if this new enterprise is going to require a lot of content, my huge archive is more than capable of handling this load.
In the worst case, I will have to start shooting twice every month, and that would be a good news for us all 😉

The new profile is pretty empty now, but I will keep you posted about developments as it is going to fill up pretty fast.

P.S. this afternoon I'm shooting again with Martina in Milano, for a last minute arrangement!



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