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We're gearing up for the climax of the season and setting up where everyone's heads - attached or otherwise - are in this battle! All I can say is....Lena, my girl, whether you show up or not as the deus ex machina of the season....you sure you couldn't get with Raiden? I mean, he's seen you, he's more...stable...not as...needy? Hahaha, Shin, I love you, sir, but....you got some things you need to WORK. OUT. Let's go, episode 20!   

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/6ttwif

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania Black - Eighty-Six 86: Episode 20 Reaction! TOGETHER UNTO DEATH!

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/6ttwif **AMPING TO THE CLIMAX HEADPHONE WARNINGS** We're gearing up for the climax of the season and setting up where everyone's heads - attached or otherwise - are in this battle! All I can say is....Lena, my girl, whether you show up or not as the deus ex machina of the season....you sure you couldn't get with Raiden? I mean, he's seen you, he's more...stable...not as...needy? Hahaha, Shin, I love you, sir, but....you got some things you need to WORK. OUT. Let's go, episode 20! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


C. Davis

I will do a little follow-up on the protecting them and why to separate them versus keeping them together. It doesn't have to be an impossible mission. As a full unit, its easier to keep sending them all into the heaviest combat each and every day. With being separate, it harder for all of them to be sent into the heaviest combat every day. While each day is not an impossible mission, being put in the heaviest combat day after day, week after week can become an impossible mission in its own way. And, as far as logic, what is considered logical out the military and military logic do not always go together (kind of like military intelligence is often joked about) hahal! As far as the 86's attitude and how they react, I had a fortunate turn of talking with an old veteran who watched the show. He told that you have soldiers like the 86 who have seen so much death that they have died inside to varying degrees. He specifically told me that he knew one man that was like Shin who had reached the point where he did not care if he personally lived or died anymore but struggled on because of the men he had served with for years where still there beside him. He also told me that 86 was a hard show to watch for a combat veteran. (Also told me that certain episodes of Violet Evergarden were a very difficult watch for him which is no surprise). But anyways, I really enjoy your reactions to this show. I got so caught up in the story and its parallels to real life with prejudice combat, that it made me overlook some of the weaknesses of the show, objectively speaking. In watching your reactions, it has helped me take a more objective look at the show. It does has its weakness, like there could be more character development done and yes, some internal monologues would be nice. Well, I will be back here next week for episode 21 and will also see you for skip and loafer Tuesday!


Thank you so much for the follow up! I did note in the discussion that it could be that they wanted to “divide and conquer” so I understand that line of logic - I was mainly speaking to the YT comments telling me that it was because of the “impossible mission” and me noting there was none at the moment and their reasoning hadn’t made sense to me. But thank you for clarifying that! That is awesome that you got to speak to a former veteran about the show. And yeah, I could tell from episode 2 about the “having seen so much death they’ve died inside.” That theme has been hammered into diamond-status since the early part of the season. It hasn’t really expanded in unique or interesting ways like I would hope it would or have seen done effectively in other series, but it’s been very consistent. It would be interesting to compare and contrast this show with one like Violet Evergarden, whose themes are MUCH more subtle but layered as well. So I’m glad that you bring that up – I’d imagine both of these series would strike veterans in very powerful ways. I always will think that character development is this show’s weak point, and for me, that LIVES for characters and character development, it makes it lose power and impact for me – however, I recognize that there are others who don’t care so much about that that love this show I’m sure for other reasons that I’m not so drawn to! But yessssss, Episode 21 is FANTASTIC and I cannot wait for next year with that episode! And going from THIS to Skip and Loafer is a TRIP. Definitely tonal whiplash, but thank you for the kind words and comment!

Alexiel Knight

About that "86 stay away!" sign in ep 17... Maybe Im wrong, but afaik the public has indeed always known about the 86th district. Maybe they dont know that they are controlling the mechs or how many of them are dying, or the gouvernment simply doesnt want them to be concerned with that. But the sign is most likely from earlier days when they threw the 86 out. Its shown as the Legion is marching through their streets to emphasize the irony that without the 86 being there right now, everyone would already be dead. At least thats how I understood it. Edit: I just remembered that scene in EP 8 where the uncle talks about how the 86 all have to die so that it will be like they never existed and no one can blame San Magnolia for their crimes against them. I think this is mostly about keeping it secret from other nations that might still exist after the war is over. The citicens of San Magnolia must know at least to some extend whats going on. Not sure how they would keep it secret from other nations when there are millions that know about the 86th district, but maybe thats why they want the public to know as little as possible, especially when it comes to deaths. Does this make perfect sense? Probably not ;).


I appreciate you trying to rationalize it but someone in the Discord showed the sign from earlier on in the season (the present) which is what I referenced here. It didn't have the graffiti on it until this last battle when the Legion came in, so even if the public knows the 86 exist and are scared of them -- realistically, no one that's of intelligence is going to take time during an apocalyptic raid when their lives are at stake to go 1. find spray cans of paint and 2. spray paint a sign that is dedicated to the 86 staying out -- plus, if the place is getting destroyed by Legion, at that point, why would one care if the 86 came in if there was nothing left for them? It was just - to me, a moment of bad writing that was trying to push extra hard on a symbolic moment and it was just unnecessary. But thank you for the comment!