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Thank you for all your nominations and votes these last few months for the Top Husbando & Waifu of 2024! This is the FINAL ROUND, y'all!

The criteria is "Best of the Above" for what we've been ranking on so far, and I'm so eager to see who you all pick!

LINK TO POLL:https://forms.gle/DEzi4ryBDEKm94jA9

Poll will run until Sunday, February 25th at 12:00 pm CST!

Happy Voting!

<3 RB



God, the final husbando bracket was hard! Mostly because I adore both men, but I can only infer what sort of lover Nanami would be since we never see him in any sort of romantic way at all. I 8think* he'd be an amazing partner/lover/spouse once he devoted himself to someone but...that's just an assumption of mine based on not much. LWJ is perfect for WWX, but personally, I'd find him frustrating as a partner. He has all the qualities but...damn, it took him a looooooooong time to show them.


Just finished watching the video of the first round of the 2024 Top Husbando & Waifu and I really enjoyed all these nominations! I feel like no one was put there by pure coincidence, the selection was great (except maybe for Sukuna but being hot and voiced by Junichi Suwabe warrants consideration if I dare say so). It's so funny that only a few minutes into it, to explain the system you used, you say "We wouldn't want Nanami and Lan WangJi facing off right off the bat, that'd be crazy" only for those two to end up being the finalists! It was fated. On Himeno being booted off by Sakura from Nozaki-kun, I think what could explain it better is her just not being a well-liked character. There are several reasons to that, mostly how inappropriately she acted towards Denji who is a minor in episodes 7 and 8 if I recall correctly, and compared to Makima who is no less disturbing (although in a different way) Himeno is not "intriguing" or "mysterious", so she wasn't off to a good start. The category also didn't help because while she's extremely loyal and even devoted to Aki, I don't know if you could say the same for how she'd act towards other characters. Sakura, on the other hand, is a dependable sweetie pie through and through. So yeah, so long Himeno. On Reo not going further, I think he's just no made to be anyone's waifu or husbando except Nagi's... as tumultuous as their relationship can be, haha. Anyway, here were my two cents on this first round! Excited for the video of the second round and I, of course, voted in the final one so can't wait to see what comes of it ;)


Ahhhh, thank you for voting! I honestly would have the HARDEST time picking between Nanami and LWJ and your points for each make PERFECT SENSE! I have a feeling this is going to be a CLOSE call so...I'm on edge thinking about how it's going to end! Thank you so much for the comment and sharing your process! We'll see how it goessssss! :D


I feel there were a LOT of solid nominations! And hahaha – Sukuna getting in because “hot” and “Suwabe” – I can accept that! 😛 And OH MY GOSH - it was FATED! The timing of that line compared to who got into the final is honestly, HILARIOUS. FATED. I honestly liked Himeno as a character, but not really because she was a waifu or “great” character but because of how interesting she is in her layers. But yeah, her category probably didn’t help her, either. So yeah, makes sense what you said and for Sakura getting through! And HA! Reo is only for Nagi - FAIR. I can take that! 😛 Thank you so much for your two cents and I’m excited to see what you all think of the future rounds! 😀Thanks for the kind words and comment!