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OH -- nothing much happens this episode -- except a BLOOD BATH. Literally!  Shots are fired, a new division is on the scene, and things are getting crazy without them getting answers on Kumai! I'm living for the drama but oh, it's tense!  

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/fYQrUwei8isG63TbRTxnkx?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania Black - PSYCHO-PASS Season 2: Episode 4 Reaction! THE SALVATION OF JOB?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/fYQrUwei8isG63TbRTxnkx? **BLOODY GOOD HEADPHONE WARNINGS** OH -- nothing much happens this episode -- except a BLOOD BATH. Literally! Shots are fired, a new division is on the scene, and things are getting crazy without them getting answers on Kumai! I'm living for the drama but oh, it's tense! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Loved the reaction & discussion! This episode – wow. I haven’t actually rewatched it in full since the pandemic, on my regular rewatches I just browse through it until I reach Hinakawa being a hard-working cutiepie and peace out onto the next ep - because it is so upsetting and horrifying. Specifically, watching a whole load of people - who are trained professionals, with SOME semblance of a duty of care - standing around and being so profoundly useless. And then also knowing that it makes sense within their world. Rage-inducing. We get plenty of examples of this in real life. The moment of Akane and Gino pulling up to the scene is amazing, I feel like it is a perfect representation of the audience. Something you brought up in the discussion – the obvious differences between the vibes of the divisions – this is very interesting to me, made me take some time to think back to watching this for the first time. We see next to nothing of anyone else in season 1, and I remember clearly having strange expectations of all the divisions being sort of like D1. Yes, maybe the supermarket own brand versions, and maybe we were following the “cool kids” – but I did imagine Masaoka or Kagari or Inspector Ginoza in these horrible circumstances first. How would they have reacted? This kind of dissonance just increased the impact of this ep for me. I also love that this is the type of effect that’s almost entirely self-inflicted. 😂 Losing Aoyanagi was brutal – she was amazing and we only got a few episodes! 😭 Especially her scene with Akane in S2E2 (still probably my favourite), where Aoyanagi is trying to accept some sort of reality that makes sense and we see Akane sitting there, dropping crumbs, being SO careful... but still wanting to be fair, and give Aoyanagi a fighting chance. But what else could Akane have done or said? Also #regrets What a ride. Looking forward to next week! 💙


Seriously, I honestly don’t blame folks for tuning out this entire montage of violence, because it’s a DOOZY! And yeah, everyone stopped in their tracks by the “system” is just WILD but having seen it happen in real life…a bit disorienting and definitely leaving you feeling uncomfortable. I love how Gino and Akane literally represent the audience like, “WTF?” It was a great moment amidst the chaos. And yesssss, seeing Division 2 and 3 this season so far really makes you realize you were with the “special” group who were really kind at heart and cohesive as a group – it’s a stark contrast to the other divisions and their “sense of duty” that we are seeing, now, and how they aren’t as…”chummy.” Ron Swanson from Parks and Recreation would approve. It hurt SO MUCH once you realize Ayonoagi was going to die; I was REALLY rooting for her to make it out alive, even if she became a latent criminal! And yes, all the crumbs and little development and UGH…what else could have been done? There’s such a slew of “what if’s” at this moment! #regrets This season is a ride so far, but I’m really enjoying it! Thank you for the kind words and comment and looking forward a LOT to this coming week!