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I really had high hopes for Eugene as a character and possible ship with Shin, a means to coax out some vulnerability...more discussions of siblings...welp, nevermind!   

The ending of the episode was gruesome and beautifully animated! But man...this show doesn't give us a lot of time to breathe with these characters, does it? Onward and upward, I guess.   

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/687hv8

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania Black - Eighty-Six 86: Episode 14 Reaction! GLAD TO BE HERE!?

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/687hv8 **BL-DESTROYING HEADPHONE WARNINGS** I really had high hopes for Eugene as a character and possible ship with Shin, a means to coax out some vulnerability...more discussions of siblings...welp, nevermind! The ending of the episode was gruesome and beautifully animated! But man...this show doesn't give us a lot of time to breathe with these characters, does it? Onward and upward, I guess. Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Tunnel Rat

I don’t know, I kinda like how you don’t really get to know the characters that deeply before they are unfortunately KIA. For me anyways, the more we get to know the character, the more obvious it is that they’ll eventually get killed off, especially with this type of show. Whilst some may not like killing off characters before ‘developing’ them, I think it just adds to the show that any one of them could die without us, the viewers, really getting to ‘know’ them or getting attached. But I know others may not find that reasoning sound also.


Yeah, I'm definitely a character driven person, so this series not having as defined and deeply developed characters as I'm used to is to its detriment for me as a reactor, but to each their own. Glad you enjoy it and Thanks for the comment!

C. Davis

I think I said before, this show speaks to the historian in me in how it presents the realism of war. The 86 were raised on the battlefield as little more then disposable weapons of war. The only thing you can do for the dead is move on and keep fighting. Shin did not show any emotion when he shot 86 he had fought with for 5 years, it would be more odd for me if he suddenly broke down over Eugene, but that is me. I am not being critical, just giving my take. I have enjoyed your take on each episode and of the series so far. You have a different perspective on the series then most people I have talked to about it and its refreshing to hear that different perspective. I respect and enjoy hearing your perspective. Your take has made me re-evaluate who I may recommend this anime to in some ways, which is a good thing.. I know I have said this before, if we all had identical tastes it would make life pretty boring. It is fun when we like the same anime, but just as fun, and probably more interesting, when we have different views on an anime.


That is fair -- I guess that's why I don't care too much for most war movies -- I like seeing characters vulnerable, breaking down, and exposed -- it DOES make sense for Shin to not break down over Eugene's death, but he barely knows him so of COURSE he doesn't. I just wanted more with his character and there was SO much potential for what he could have talked or drawn out of Shin; maybe the novel will explore more of that. We'll have to wait and see as I read the novels. I appreciate the kind words, though! I realize this series may not be my cup of tea with how it presents its story, but I have enjoyed parts of it a lot! I feel I'm sometimes stomping on something that someone really likes, so you all are very kind in still hearing what I have to say! :) Thanks so much for the kindness and comment!