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In this four-chapter set, we have QUITE the conundrum happen, as Xie Lian has...somehow...LOST HIS MEMORIES?! Xie Lian thinks he's 17 again, pre-ascended and it's up to Hua Cheng to guide him in a world he's completely unfamiliar with!  

Witness Romania Black think up every possible explanation for Xie Lian's memory loss except the correct one until the third act! Witness her struggle to sympathize and want spicy smut! This extra was SO good and left me so satisfied with our scrap collector and supreme ghost king!   

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Heaven Official's Blessing//TGCF: Novel Reaction - PART 78 - CHAPTER 246-249! XIE LIAN HAS AMNESIA?!

**AMNESIAC-LADEN HEADPHONE WARNINGS** In this four-chapter set, we have QUITE the conundrum happen, as Xie Lian has...somehow...LOST HIS MEMORIES?! Xie Lian thinks he's 17 again, pre-ascended and it's up to Hua Cheng to guide him in a world he's completely unfamiliar with! Witness Romania Black think up every possible explanation for Xie Lian's memory loss except the correct one until the third act! Witness her struggle to sympathize and want spicy smut! This extra was SO good and left me so satisfied with our scrap collector and supreme ghost king! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Yesss! I'm immensely glad you read the amnesia extra all in one, it's absolutely hilarious and then suddenly heart-warming (and then once again funny) at the end? ah typical MXTX. The thing that makes me laugh the most about this extra is that i genuinely forget how bonkers it gets, and even reading it along with you now I was like "Oh that bit's coming up, right? wait, no, surely that was in a fanfic I read... no actually it's just straight up MXTX 😅" I am just obsessed with how mxtx manages to pull off essentially writing fanfic for own series... what a power move! My favourite scene is Xie Lian in the bathtub with puppy-whose-dad-just-got-home Eming. Apparently Xie Lian is just destined to find Eming adorable no matter what (well, it's part of Hua Cheng so of course). Loved the reaction as per usual (especially with your ongoing theories this week hehe) and can't wait till next week!


thanks for the reaction! The title of this amnesia extra is actually a neta of the film title 'Life of Pi' in CN, so it's safe to call it 'Memory of XL' ROFL The concept of the local god of land and soil is introduced looooooonnnnng ago in book 1 when the Xianle trio investigated the missing bride case, they asked for directions from said god and found their way to the NanYang temple. I vaguly remember someone has explained it in comments either here or on YT, you may go back and check it out if you feel like it. Well, in the end it's not that XL got f-ed so hard he had a memory loss but a memory-eating monster. Some fantastic beasts and where to find them, but mxtx LOL.

Athena W.

Loved your reaction to this crazy extra!! It's so bonkers and funny until suddenly you're on the verge of tears with the heartfelt ending. Aside from the main bits you already pointed out, there's one section in this extra that always makes me a little sad - the way Hua Cheng harshly smacks and rebukes E'Ming in the bathtub scene. We know how intricately E'Ming is linked to HC and is basically an extension of his own self, and it's like HC is always scolding and angry to his inner self.... I wish HC could learn to accept himself more, have more self-worth, and be nicer to the poor little HongHong'er that still lives inside of him :(


This extra was CRAZY - both in how it was so sweet, sad, heartfelt, and RIDICULOUS! Would we expect any different from MXTX, though? I DID feel bad that HC smacked E’Ming, too! I agree, it would be nice for HC to also accept this side of himself more – that’s a great point and hopefully Xie Lian can help him be more accepting of himself in the future, and vice versa! Thank you for the comment and kind words!

Anime Annie

I nearly choked laughing at you calling the Thunder Master the Ringo Starr of the Elemental Masters 🤣 It's making me want fanart of the Thunder Master in Ringo Starr's typical pose with a peace sign and in the background are all the other Elemental Masters just causing havoc. The implication of all Xie Lian's hurts is definitely there 🤭 But Mo Xiang Tong Xiu's way of describing all the love bites Hua Cheng left on his body is a piece of poetry! Henceforth they are no longer love bites or hickies, instead they are like flowers blossoming across skin. But she definitely does a good job of writing from the perspective of a victim of such an assault (which is how it would seem to an amnesiac in this situation). I like her inclusion about Xie Lian' thoughts that such a thing happened to him considering "he's a man". Feels like yet more of Mo Xiang Tong Xiu's sly social commentary on how some of society brush off the idea that men can be victims of such an assault too. But it definitely makes you feel much better of it all with how much emphasis is put on later that all of HuaLian's acts in the bedroom have been entirely consensual. I am shocked (and proud) Romania! When I read this I just took Mu Qing's comment about Xie Lian "eating so much crap" at face value, but yes it could also mean eating a certain Supreme Ghost's, um, *essence* 🤭 I feel like I would be a little disappointed with this fandom if there wasn't at least one fic that took the phrase "screwed your brains out" and applied it to HuaLian 😂 We love us some Protector Xie Lian! Him stepping in to help the pipa player feels quite reminiscent of how we started Tian Guan Ci Fu and Xie Lian helping Xiao Ying. Feel like it's a great way to show that whether he's but '17' (as he believes) or 800 with all his memories of his past, Xie Lian will always defend and help the weak. These amnesiac chapters though are a really great way for us to see Xie Lian as a Crown Princeling over that of the scrap-collector we've known throughout the story. A meta reason for Hua Cheng having the name "San Lang" is that Tian Guan Ci Fu is Mo Xiang Tong Xiu's third novel. San Lang calling Ruoye an evil creature does make me think to the silk's origins and Hua Cheng, as a ghost fire, seeing his gege restrained with it whilst those people in the temple stabbed him. That little accidental "Quack" is such a great way for you to realise that all the people around Xie Lian are actually the ghosts from Ghost City 🥺 They'd do anything to help out their Hua Chengzhu and Grand Uncle 😆 But yes, this whole time with that red string, and your mentions of it being a red string of fate, only for us to finally come to this point where it's a symbol of their love for one another 🥰 But considering it's started a trend with the ghosts, in modern era I can easily see Xie Lian with Hua Cheng accidentally being highly rated Influencers 🤣 Xie Lian calling his younger lover "gege" thanks to amnesia is definitely a kink in Hua Cheng's list! And we also learn, through Xie Lian's dreams, that the both of them have a kink for Hua Cheng shifting forms when having sex. I love E'Ming just sneaking away from Hua Cheng to go say hello to Xie Lian 🥰 The retrieval of Xie Lian's memories always reminds me of Harry Potter and the Pensieve. Xie Lian's teasing of Hua Cheng with those "gege"s is the cherry atop this Extra. It really shows how comfortable they both are with one another, and within their relationship. I loved the XL + SL = ❤ for when you were going through the chronological order of the events within this Extra 🤣


Hahaha, I can SO picture the Thunder Master just there with the peace sign while the other elemental masters are losing it behind them! ;) I’ve heard of hickies and bites referred to as “blossoming flowers” in other BL, but it REALLY fits HOB to a “T!” And I was doing well until XL thought he’d been assaulted, and then MXTX deflated the fun for a bit. And YES, I do fully agree, though, that it’s MXTX commenting on how men can easily be victims with assault as well. I’m at least glad that by the end of the story it was all consensual and the incident wrapped up in a giant ghost king-sized bow. I blame all of you for taking my mind, which was teetering on the line of the gutter anyway, and just letting it fall full force. ;) I’m not ACTUALLY blaming you, though. It was probably bound to happen sooner or later. :P And yes, at the end of the day, XL is going to defend someone no matter what! I liked that too – and seeing more of XL with his young pre-ascended mindset was nice as well. I remember us talking waaaaay early on that HC being “San Lang” was also because it was her third novel. But poor Ruoye – he can’t help how he was used by BWX before he was “tamed!” E’Ming also felt like the dog ottoman from Beauty and the Beast, running up to see Belle! 😛 That Quack! I love the ghosts all helping HC to help XL – and that HuaLian are top-rated influencers in the ghost realm is HILARIOUS! PM would be jealous of their influence on others! ;) And HAHAHA – HC getting to check off having XL call him “gege” was something I did not see coming, but it’s hilarious, and how XL “gets onto him at the end about it?” SWOON. But I didn’t think about that – with HC changing forms WHILE they’re having sex…hm…secret kinkery indeed! I agree; the memory retrieval felt very Harry Potter to me, too! I love how comfortable and domestic they are with each other at the end of the chapters…just a cherry on top with these extras indeed! I can’t wait for next week! Thank you for the kind words and comment!