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Is this one of the best season finales I've ever watched? I THINK SO!  I loved everything about this season finale, including the bittersweetness, including the deaths (sans heartbreak over them), the animation, the tension, the angst, and how it all comes full circle!  

I know that it won't be what this season was, but I am excited to see the shenanigans of season 2 and what lies in store for our badass Akane and Glowed-up Ginoza! See you all then! Until that time, though, let's talk about THIS SET!   

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/gi7MVSXDCEXX9FbjsvqDyb?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania Black - Psycho-Pass EXTENDED Edition: Episode 11 Reaction! BLOOD-STAINED REWARD & WORLD!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/gi7MVSXDCEXX9FbjsvqDyb? **PERFECTLY BLOOD-STAINED HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Is this one of the best season finales I've ever watched? I THINK SO! I loved everything about this season finale, including the bittersweetness, including the deaths (sans heartbreak over them), the animation, the tension, the angst, and how it all comes full circle! I know that it won't be what this season was, but I am excited to see the shenanigans of season 2 and what lies in store for our badass Akane and Glowed-up Ginoza! See you all then! Until that time, though, let's talk about THIS SET! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Roy Koopa

Psycho Pass season 1, for me, is surely up there with the greatest anime ever made. Evangelion, Perfect Blue, etc. This fits right in there. A masterful execution of animation, character, theme, and story.


Loved, loved this reaction & discussion! It was so great to see how much you enjoyed this episode, it is such a well-constructed season finale. All the moments of ‘But what if this happens?!’ – unable to keep from theorising while still actively trying to take in dialogue - that’s how I know a story has its hooks in 🥰 This ep is so incredibly melancholy – I’ve always liked how they presented Shogo’s death in this way, because it is the death of an important idea beyond only the death of a villain. It is also this way for Kogami and what he had to do, Akane and what she couldn’t stop from happening. I’ve really enjoyed your analysis of their little moral love triangle – yes, the fact that neither Kogami nor Akane ended up compromising their characters was wonderful to see (and so bittersweet). KuniKara getting canon confirmation was incredible when it happened – I still fondly (sarcasm) remember witnessing months and months of fandom debates about how it came out of nowhere, etc. On what earth?! But for me personally, seeing two female characters who are – feels ridiculous to even write – fully adult-coded? Remarkable. I love them so much. Seeing your appreciation for Gino grow over the season has been really sweet – more people needed to join the Gino fanclub. Masaoka’s death always breaks me, as well – he was everyone’s ‘Pops.’ Week 4 of Kagari-related fury 😂: the conversation Akane has with Sibyl, where Akane asks for the deal and the Sibyl system goes on its little automated schpiel about how the Dominator works? It uses the word ‘inviolable.’ I legitimately have to pause the episode at that moment every time and do a little breathing exercise. I love the choice of that in this specific translation, there are versions of subs and dub where it is simply: ‘It cannot be changed,’ or ‘It will not be changed or violated.’ But the version we get with EE is my personal favourite. And the necropolitics of it all just reinforces the despair. Wanted to highlight some more S1 music (links with no spoiler static image, comments off): The Dominator has its own sexy theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uE47efnSKn4 The choral version of the Sibyl theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSOt32EWK7M Shogo’s finale piano theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZBusmmtUV0 Orchestral version of the finale theme, Psycho-Pass Symphony: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qwwa9t6SDBw The one I like to think of as the Kogami/Akane angst theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhJl8L2yzRY I cannot wait for next week! The waiting keeps getting harder. 😂 Onwards and upwards 💙


Oh, yes!! I LOVED this season finale – ugh – it’s just SO GOOD! So melancholy and bittersweet – the morale love triangle! *sobs* Oh, “out of nowhere?!” I saw Kunizuka and Shion together from the first time they were on screen! So adult-coded, subtle, and their relationship was so good - I LOVE we got confirmation of them as a pair! :3 I am a full-fledged member of the Ginoza fan club now! UGH…POPS! Masaoka’s death was so sad, heartbreaking, and Ginoza’s breakdown was just gut-wrenching…but seeing him “free” at the end? That was beautiful, even if he is an enforcer now. The Sybil System and its own hypocrisy is so delectable and sinister…but if anyone is able to avenge Kagari and try to play the system at its own game? It’s Akane for sure and I love her for it! Oohhhh, thank you for the music links! The music of this season was SO good! I loved it so much! I cannot wait to see what we get in Season 2 but I have a feeling if anything it’s going to be a FUN RIDE!! Thank you for the kind words and comment! 😀Onwards and Upwards!

Anime Annie

Psycho-Pass is definitely a show that is great at adding twists and turns to the plot. You can definitely predict some of the ways things will go, but other points just hit you like a sledgehammer. Once again as I get older I find myself able to relate even more to Psycho-Pass. The loss of control as you age (on your body and/or your mind especially, but also changes with your loved ones and day-to-day life) can be utterly terrifying. The KouMaki ship is definitely a toxic kind of ship and certainly not for everyone. I do ship them (contrasting colours are my jam), but they're not my number one ship. That's definitely between Kougami and Akane or Shion and Kunizuka. But yeah such a shippable moment between Kougami and Makishima as they quote things. It feels like the reverse of when Kougami was imagining Makishima at Saiga's in the previous episode. Watching your reaction those moments where Makishima looks a lot more innocent honestly is reminding me of the moments when Jujutsu Kaisen made me feel a teensy bit of sympathy towards Mahito. But then, like with Mahito, I remember Makishima has blood on his hands (including the blood of those he didn't physically spill but gave others the chance to do so) and the feeling flitted away 🤣 The second OP I definitely prefer over the first one too. Both are fantastic and definitely up there on my favourite OPs list, but OP2 just has something a bit better. The colours and sound of the wheat swaying in the wind really sounds ominous. Add in an OST that reminds me a lot of the Jaws Theme and it really helps amp up the tension of what's to come. I feel what makes Masaoka's death all the more tragic is that Ginoza's right there watching his fight with Makishima, but because he's pinned down and injured he can do nothing but watch 😭 The sound of Ginoza ripping himself free is both gruesome and heart-breaking. He'd told Masaoka to put his job before his son, and he couldn't make that choice. Ginoza, in return, put his Dad before his own injuries and pain, as well as his job 😭 Whereas Kougami is able to put the job at hand first. I don't see this as Kougami not being hurt or saddened by Masaoka's injuries and inevitable death, rather just helps to hit home for Ginoza that as much as he felt like Kougami was the son Masaoka always wanted, *Ginoza* was his actual son and is irreplaceable in that role. Also, if I'm not mistaken in remembering, in the original airing this was the moment we learned that they were father and son. Personally, I like the Extended Edition giving you that information earlier. I feel like it allows this moment to just be shock and grief over Masaoka dying, rather than that being at war with the potential shock that they were related in such a way. The blade fight between Kougami and Makishima I saw a really cool breakdown video of it by a knife expert and a MMA fighter. That really helped me to see just how much care went into this series to inject such realism into this anime. It's definitely up there as one of my favourite fight scenes out of all the anime I've watched, especially the part where the only sound is from their movements and blades. Glad thought that I'm not the only one that thought "Now kiss!" with how close Kougami and Makishima were in that one shot 🤣 Make love not war! ☮ I do admit to laughing every time you said about Akane being the middle between Makishima and Kougami because I kept thinking of her appearance during this fight 🤣 I love them working together like this. They really feel like equal partners hunting down Makishima like this (as if there is already no more divide between Inspector and Enforcer). The visceral way Kougami screams Akane's name as he sees her holding on to the truck 🥺 Also I want to say that this might be the first time he's used her first name. He's always previously referred to her as Tsunemori or Inspector. The Japanese drive on the same side of the road as we do in the UK and Republic of Ireland. The rest of Europe however are left hand drive like in America. Yes! The final confrontation out in that wheatfield with nothing around them reminds me so much of the end of Se7en too! But yeah I'd say Akane fits Somerset [Freeman's character] a bit more (though Masaoka and Somerset do have the similarity of being the older cops that have been round the block a few times). For the other sins Kanehara (the one killing his bullies/abusers by manipulating drones) might work as Sloth; Ouryou could fit Lust; and Senguuji would definitely fit for Pride. That leaves us with Greed which and whether Choe or Midou would fit that sin best...If I go too deep into the comparisons though I'm gonna want a Psycho-Pass/Se7en AU 🤣 The relationship between Akane and the brains is so weird. Also I think when I first watched this I'd just finished re-reading Order of the Phoenix and so I couldn't look at the brains without thinking of the brains in the Department of Mysteries at the Ministry of Magic. It did make me imagine them using their leads to grab hold of Akane and not let her go. But yeah, the brains are all about calculating a person's value to them. It's why they just disposed of Kagari without any consideration because to them he was of no value. Akane can be of more value as she is as an Inspector rather than being assimilated [which that word I cannot see it and not think of Doctor Who and the Cybermen...😆]. The creepy giggling from them definitely doesn't help see them as an entity for good over evil. With Funahara's death I feel like Akane had proper closure, and she had Kougami's support to fall back on and keep tuckering on. With Kougami's leaving, without them being able to have a proper discussion, there isn't the same closure for their relationship. He's just as much out of reach to Akane as Funahara, and yet he's alive. Have to say that you mentioning AI generating images that we as humans can detect something is off about it did first make me think of some fanarts that are hard to distinguish as being AI but then my brain kindly reminded me of the image an AI put out when someone gave it the input "salmon in a river"...the AI put random slabs of salmon meat on top of and in the water for the river rather than a whole ass fish 🤣 So many parallels between Masaoka and Ginoza just to make us feel all the more emotional over their relationship, and the loss of Masaoka 😭 I'm fine. Totally fine. I feel like Akane calling Ginoza "ever the worrier" is that little reminder that Ginoza no longer has as many worries as he did in the past. In the present he can be more at peace with himself and there isn't a need to worry for others, especially Akane (at least in regards to her hue). Akane also bringing up such an important point: Ginoza's glasses 🤣 At least you laugh at it until you hear Ginoza's answer. He wore his glasses to hide the eyes that were like his Dad's, but now he doesn't feel the same negativity surrounding Masaoka or their relationship so he no longer has to hide a part of himself from everyone else. Ginoza is freer now as an Enforcer than how he was as an Inspector. The show just has to hit us with more feels over Ginoza and Masaoka, right? 😭 Honestly love the show for giving us that scene between Kunizuka and Shion 🥳 At least we finish Season 1 with one canon ship 🤷‍♀🤣 I truly love how Psycho-Pass gives you all these parallels from how things all started but they are just a teensy bit different. It's like we've come full circle, but with our characters having learned from their own recent history.


YES, that description of the prediction vs. surprise sledgehammer is so true! And yes, the idea of losing control of your mind and body as you age is HORRIFYING and something I find myself thinking more and more about as well. I aesthetically ship Kogami and Shogo, though I want them to eventually break up and for Kogami to go with Akane afterwards, hahaha! The love triangle is REAL. And YES, the connection with Shogo and Mahito and the sympathy that appears is so real! I love the OP and ED’s for this series and both were so great! It has me excited to see what’s in store! But ugh the OST and the tension with this episode - so true; it was THERE! And that Se7en AU – I liked those choices as well! And just like that movie, Brad Pitt leaves the picture and Morgan Freeman can just remorse the situation – it’s a similar feeling with Akane and Kogami and I hate it…but respect it at the same time. At LEAST he’s alive, right? And Kunizuka and Shion get together, so there’s THAT at least! 😛 Ginoza definitely is trapped in that moment with his father and unable to do anything – it’s COMPLETELY heartbreaking. It’s so crazy how we go with Ginoza being so trapped within himself trying to ignore who he is and at the end, he accepts it and seems so much free-er…and hotter, hahaha!! The knife fight with Makishima and Shogo was SO good; that’s cool about the breakdown of that! And it’s so well done – make love not war, indeed, right?! And OH! I was so caught up that I didn’t realize he said her first name in that moment – dammit, Annie, now my ship is even stronger before crashing into the ocean! The brains definitely feel like a Doctor Who villain and their dynamic with Akane feels like a villain confronting the doctor! I like that she “plays” the brains, though, and decides to use it to her advantage, as horrible as the situation is. “Make lemonade out of lemons, eh?” That salmon analogy is hilarious, though! Thank you for the kind words and comment! I’m so excited for the next season to come!