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This is a STAPLE BL to me! Mystery, romance, heart, solid animation, and allllll the spiciness you'd want with this duo! I walked into this with NO idea what I was getting into and I loved every minute!   

I can't wait for you all to discover the twists and turns of this mini-series with me! CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE DOC AND MIGNON?! Seriously, one of the better Januyaoi entrees so far!   

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/2c5WKRcwC8P6CjVuEJekCz?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!



LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/2c5WKRcwC8P6CjVuEJekCz? **BLOODY GOOD HEADPHONE WARNINGS** This is a STAPLE BL to me! Mystery, romance, heart, solid animation, and allllll the spiciness you'd want with this duo! I walked into this with NO idea what I was getting into and I loved every minute! I can't wait for you all to discover the twists and turns of this mini-series with me! CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE DOC AND MIGNON?! Seriously, one of the better Januyaoi entrees so far! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Anime Annie

It definitely doesn't take long to swoon over Mignon. He's just such a loveable himbo 🥰 The vampire twist is so unexpected at the end of Episode 1 but such a great way to hook you on watching more. The Coach is an utter ass. But I like that the subtitles help you get an understanding of the characters through their speech. Doctor uses quite proper speech making him appear more educated. Mignon speaks with a bit more slang and shows both his age and potentially his lack of interest in school/being proper. And the Coach is extremely gruff and crass around Mignon, showing how he sees himself as better than Mignon. Yet around the Mafia guys (geondal) he's a bit more subservient in his speech. I think the thermometer Doctor has is to ensure the fridge stays at the optimum temperature for housing blood so as it doesn't go off or coagulate. Only in this show could you get a training montage alongside the actual sport and drinking blood with it all linking perfectly! I love that the kiss is so messy with the blood dripping between them and then that they're connected by saliva afterwards. Adds that little bit of extra detail. I loved how happy you were at getting confirmation of Mignon's age so as you didn't have to worry about our sweet himbo falling head over heels for a vampire when he's still in his teens. But I honestly love the detail that Doctor remembers when Mignon first appeared at the pits. Considering Master Woo didn't seem to recall it shows that Mignon noticing Doctor was not a one-way thing. I'm truly in love with the OST 🥰 It really pairs well with the artistry of the animation. Also helps give it a bit of an 80s crime movie feel to it. But Careless Whisper playing whilst Mignon is softly gazing at Doctor with his head in his hands would honestly be so fitting. And then you get the jarringly wacky music when Mignon's about to fight but it fits so well for where his head is in that moment (off in the clouds, imagining a life of taking care of Doctor) 🤣 Romania: Why's the music getting all Link Click? Pretty good comparison considering how they ended the episode with the blood streaming down Mignon's hair after getting hit with the spanner. Definitely reminiscent of some awful Link Click cliffhangers. Such a twist for Master Woo right? This whole time he was against Doctor being with Mignon and then when the going gets tough he steps in to help, and give Doctor the push (both physically and metaphorically) he needs 🥺🥰 Honestly that scene and hearing him fight the syndicate members made me want more about him. Most people were the same with Mignon's Change. The artistry/cinematography of that scene was such a high level and definitely my favourite Turning out of all the vampire media I've watched/read. But yeah a large portion of the fandom did miss the white hair/blue eyes puppy dog look Mignon had going for him. For me in manhwa I am a sucker for two looks in male characters: white-haired/blue-eyed or dark-haired/red-eyed. So with Mignon I get the best of both worlds 🤣 Mignon, at first after the Change, is like a pouty teen but then when Doctor relents and brings down the walls he's kept up the confidence in Mignon changes him so damn much (from bottom energy to top 🤣) They really spared no expense with the sex scene. But it was beautifully done. I loved the detail of Mignon's sweat dripping on to Doctor. But I gotta say Mignon has to have watched or researched sex for that to be his first time! But they really did throw in a virginity kink 😂 When you said in Episode 11 you'd not drink all of your juice just yet I did think "That's wise for what's to come" 🤣 But damn is Doctor flexible. Mignon had his legs up round his ears at one point! Mignon and Doctor are what Lestat and Louis could have been if Louis had fallen for Lestat before the latter turned him. Yes, it's Korean; a hanguk aeni (term for Korean animation). I laughed at all your descriptors for this but all of it is true 😂 It's such a bingeable series that it is hard to stop between episodes. But at least now you know why so many of us downloaded the episodes in case we weren't able to access them any more 😆 Sadly it's a hanguk aeni original so this is all we get 🥺 Also the original creator of Mignon, Lewin, is the same person who created Hyperventilation which might be why you're reminded of it 😆 For the Tian Guan Ci Fu comparison I can definitely see Mignon as Hua Cheng with Quan Yizhen's personality, but another option would be Hua Cheng but with how E'Ming reacts to their gege...😆🥰 Ooh I didn't know you've read the Sookie Stackhouse novels. I was a little obsessed with them and True Blood for a time but I was a massive Eric girl and just couldn't watch/read more as Bill's actions were brushed under the carpet whilst Eric's were vilified. But yes the "Will you let me in?" is *such* a line! 😍 Very fitting with the vampire theme, whilst also being equal amounts romantic, sensual, and cheekiness.


I didn't know this series Wow! such a great BL animation. The 'Oh Young-One' phrase confused me. At first I thought it's kind of quote from book or movie or something because it was capitalized but after searching more on the net ... that may be the Doc's name??


Loved the reaction & discussion! I adore Mignon. 🥰 One of the things that impressed me most is how utterly ‘efficient’ the storytelling is – I mean this in the most positive way. e.g. the way they show Mignon’s character+acceptance+history with 2 scenes that follow one after another: Mignon finding out, internally immediately accepting Doc (thinking of ‘technical’ details), then the scene of the abuse and, once the coach is done, Mignon’s focus is immediately on Doc again - not a thought spared to what just happened. It telegraphs so much! About what he thinks of himself, about what he is used to, etc, etc. Just wonderful. I’m also incredibly partial to this very specific aesthetic – the colours, the framing, the INCREDIBLE soundtrack (which is in constant rotation). Absolutely agreed, would definitely watch a full series of this. With multiple episodes of Master Woo backstory, please! This will be a steady presence in my playlist of ‘comfort’ reactions I rewatch on a regular basis – so thank you very much! Looking forward to next week. 💙


So glad 'Mignon' was one of the entrees of Januyaoi! I am sucker for golden retriever or more broadly puppy-like character x cat-like character couples, especially in BLs, and coupled here with the contrasting colors between the two (red eyes vs blue eyes, dark hair vs white hair), it was a given I'd watch it... and it did not disappoint! I also wish it was longer, if only to develop some scenes further, get some backstories (to know how the doc became a vampire, how he and Master Woo met, how Mignon came to live with the coach, etc) and see a bit more of their life together as vampires in the end, but what we got was very good, so can't complain too much. By the way, I also kind of regretted the loss of Mignon's previous look when he turned, but his new appearance rather fits his (more) confident self, and it is pretty unusual to have two same hair-colored protagonists in a BL (usually, it's a dark-haired or a brunette character and a light or funky haired one) so it was a nice change in the end. The nsfw in the last episode was S P I C Y and boy did we (and our two lovebirds) deserve it after what they went through in the 11 previous episodes. Can't wait to see what else you have in store for Januyaoi!


Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! This series was PHENOMENAL! And yes, efficient and "concise" is a good word for it! It really didn't waste a SECOND that it had to work with -- and like you said, it was powerful, intense, thoughtful, and clever with what it did and what it had to "telegraph!" I love it for that! And the AESTHETIC and the animation/music -- I could watch a dozen shows with the design this one had, easily! And #MasterWooBackstory PLEASE! I want all the history with him, how he met Doc, did he turn Doc? All that good stuff! Aw, thank you for the kind words and I'm glad this reaction is on the comfort playlist! :) Excited for all Januyaoi has left for us!


I am SO happy this was recommended, because it was so much fun and I loved it so much! I agree -- I'm a sucker for a Golden Retriever guy and the cat-partner for a BL as well! And the colors and story and all of the elements worked so well throughout! I wish we could have gotten Doc's backstory as well! And more on Master Woo! The story just leaves so much to wonder about! I agree about the color change and the initial regret with the choice but it IS interesting to have them look similar and it does match his attitude post-change as well! And the SPICINESS - I'm glad they both get a "happy ending" and to be together -- after all that craziness, agreed; they deserve it! Thank you so much for the kind words and comment; I'm excited for what we have left for Januyaoi as well! :)