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We're in the penultimate episodes leading up to the finale, and MAN -- lots of things at work, here!   

Ginoza's thread is about to break, Kogami seeks help tracking down Makishima, and Akane! Akane has HAD ENOUGH of these mother-trucking brains, controlling this mother-trucking system! I'm SO nervous, but SO excited for the finale!   

LINK TO REACTION:https://share.vidyard.com/watch/RkryYCP8q5rRTqkCjktHyD?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania Black - Psycho-Pass EXTENDED Edition: Episode 10 Reaction! SHADOWS & WHERE JUSTICE LIES?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/RkryYCP8q5rRTqkCjktHyD? **AGENCY-DEFINING HEADPHONE WARNINGS** We're in the penultimate episodes leading up to the finale, and MAN -- lots of things at work, here! Ginoza's thread is about to break, Kogami seeks help tracking down Makishima, and Akane! Akane has HAD ENOUGH of these mother-trucking brains, controlling this mother-trucking system! I'm SO nervous, but SO excited for the finale! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Dear diary, this is now week 3 of crying about Kagari … I won’t go on about it. 😭 Loved this reaction & discussion! This feels like a whole episode with a bunch of characters confronting and redeveloping (or cementing) their worldviews, as you said. The entire sequence with Akane was excellent. This type of thing is so often done through specific present-time dialogue (and in smaller segments), but to see it be presented as an inner recollection of all the worldviews and arguments she has encountered? And then an inner-world debate with Shogo? Beautiful. Even though I have not seen Yona of the Dawn (my familiarity is primarily from that tournament of Waifus & Husbandos), I know how much you love and respect that character – so I understand the comparison to be exceedingly high praise! We get Akane, and also Shion and Kunizuka, it’s wonderful. On this rewatch with you, have noticed much more of the tiny details in Chief Kasei’s mannerisms, which I hadn't before, another thing that’ll be fun to try to figure out when going back. The Kogami and Saiga scene was wonderful and so domestic. I also really enjoyed the Kogami impressions! It’s funny that Saiga is another in Kogami’s line of shorter brunettes. 😂 I lied, I will go on about Kagari (just a little) – because Sibyl acknowledging that Kagari would not have kept the secret, so therefore had to die, is even more infuriating. When did Sibyl decide that that’s the kind of thing he would do and therefore had to be gotten rid of one way or another? Can’t wait for next week! 💙

Anime Annie

Finally was able to watch this reaction and discussion...um sorry to you and your mods this quickly became a short essay-length comment 😅 Everyone does have a stigma against the helmet but that's where the choice of a motorbike is a smart one. The general public have likely all been told the helmets are no longer an issue, and only if they look closely would they consider it a helmet just like the ones the criminals were using. There's also the possibility of people just going back to how they were when the first attacks happened. Nobody reacted to these randomers walking about with helmets on, nevermind when they started committing acts of violence. Romania (about this season): I'm just asking for them all to get out alive. I'm not asking for much, right? Me: Well Kagari already means you won't get that ending 😭😅 Sorry, he was one of my favourite characters from the moment he was introduced (took me longer to warm up to Akane at first than it did Kagari) so even over ten years on from when I first watched this his death still hurts. For Saiga guessing what exactly Kougami was carrying I feel like it's from observing two things: 1) the smell of gun oil from when Kougami performed maintenance on the gun, and 2) how Kougami's walking/holding himself. A person carrying a gun that isn't used to the weight of it does tend to have a different stance. And for knowing it was a revolver could be if Kougami's carrying several prepared rounds (like he was practicing with) which again would chance the weight he's carrying around and affect his stance. I love that for both Kougami and Akane, Shion is this platonic buddy there to give them the help they need in the moment. She technically helped Kougami with his escape, and provided a listening ear and comforting touch to Akane. If we can't get Makishima adding to the Book Club then at least we have Saiga expanding our knowledge 🤣 But yeah I was having flashbacks to my Sociology classes in High School when he brought up Weber 😅 Vaguely remember using his works to understand religion being interwoven with the state, as well as the idea of disenchantment (which is fitting for Psycho-Pass). It's basically the idea of in a modern society there being a move away from religion, as further understandings of the workings of the universe are made through science. Religion would become a devalued idea as rational thought becomes the forefront of modern society. And this is shown in Psycho-Pass with the progression of rationalisation on how society functions thanks to the Sibyl System. As well as through how there's been no mention of any kind of religious belief regarding right and wrong, and morality, brought up when discussing such things; all discussions have been very secular in nature and in regards to numbers (crime co-efficient) and colours (hue). Kougami bringing up Gulliver's Travels as a potential book Makishima would talk about in regards to their conversation is really one of those moments that make you realise just how good a profiler Kougami is at getting into a person's head. And yes, Kougami's interpretation is of a seemingly softer Makishima than we've actually been seeing...totally not making me think of seeing the person you like through rose-tinted glasses 🤣 Which Kougami, for the most part, doesn't see Makishima through such a lens (otherwise he wouldn't want to kill him) but it definitely lends to the idea that Makishima could have been a different person before his awareness regarding his hue...just like Kagari could have grown up to be a different person but because of the Sibyl System he didn't have that chance (both as a child and when they chose their own continued existence over Kagari's). All I could think for the message boards was that Saiga basically made a Reddit post 🤣 Had to laugh at you calling Kougami and Saiga's research a "scholarly montage". I love them showing that they do have to look up this information and take the time to learn and understand it themselves. It makes it different from a lot of shows where typically some knowledgeable character will suddenly appear to give them all the information they require. Again it adds a bit of realism, and also some "old-school policing" to this anime. As to the crops being grown in prefecture of Japan where no-one lives it did make me think of the growing problem in Japan of the population stagnation. There are less young people having kids and a lot more elderly people. And in some rural parts of Japan the younger generation are moving away from those places in order to get jobs in the bigger towns/cities. Some people could see it as being the government just kicked out all the people living in that place to have space for these genetically-created crops, but it could be commentary on if the population trend continues there could be parts of rural Japan that end up as basic ghost towns once the older population die off. The isolation of Japan is ironic considering history is no longer a subject that is taught in Psycho-Pass because "there's no need to learn from the past". Historically Japan has closed their borders against trade and discourse with other countries (called sakoku), back in the 1600s for over two hundred years. In a way this part is reminiscent of them repeating the past, but their citizens are unaware of this because such knowledge would be considered forbidden by the Sibyl System. For the seiyuu of the agriculture guy, Professor Kudama, (Genda Tesshou) I haven't seen anything else he's voiced characters in. He might be familiar to you because of Yuu Yuu Hakusho. He voiced Toguro Younger in it. When first watching this I will admit to being angry at Akane for thinking about the truth about the Sibyl System (and Kagari's death) in a logical manner, and not letting her emotions control her decisions. Even now it's still hard to accept her acceptance of the system, but I can understand it more. I do love her as a female protagonist though because she's a really well-rounded character. Psycho-Pass allow her moments to be weak, strong, angry, sad, happy, "girly", intelligent, and confused, without making her come off as a Mary Sue-type character 😍 She really was a badass for basically holding the system to ransom in order to protect Kougami. And it provides further fuel for our ship: Kougami get you a woman that'll threaten the Sibyl System and put her life on the line for you! 🥰 Though it also does remind be a bit of The Matrix: Revolutions and Neo making a pact with the machines in order to deal with the programme out of their control, Mr. Smith. Makishima just walking up to that lab smiling so angelically is so incongruous to the act of bioterrorism he wants to perform. But yes Makishima in the white and Kougami in the contrasting black is so perfect. You could see it as them being figures on a chess or go board. Getting us set up for the final plays each will make in this game as we draw closer to the end of Season 1. Your comment about Saiga being like how you imagine Sherlock would be if he retired in the country and grew his own food made my brain imagine the end of Season 1 of YuuMori differently. Imagine if Sherlock had never been able to find Liam and it led to him becoming a little jaded with society so he found a place that Liam would have liked and stayed there, hoping someday (somehow) that Liam would suddenly be there at his door...Yeaaah that was a fun little YuuMori AU to enter my head because of your comment 😅 Honestly watching Psycho-Pass Season 1 ten years on from when it aired is terrifying when you can relate so much more of the things happening with how society has been progressing technologically these last few years. Between genetically creating food to drones to AIs to how mental health is treated, and even the response to a pandemic. From your discussion I've noticed something: Akane gets one-on-one time with Kougami, Ginoza, Masaoka, Kagari, Kunizuka, and Shion. And she can just be herself in a lot of these moments. The only one-on-one time we've seen Ginoza get is with Akane, Masaoka, Kougami, the Chief, and his therapist. Ginoza in these moments has to be a leader, a subordinate, a patient; he's never just himself, even when talking with his Dad.


Honestly, I may permanently be sad about Kagari no longer being in the series, so I don’t blame you! And agreed, Kagari may have very well have kept the secret…how dare Sybil System ASSUME THAT. Akane and the others developing as a character has been so wonderfully rewarding to watch! THE INNER WORLD DEBATE WITH SHOGO! YES! Looooooved it! And yes, I love Yona, so Akane relating to her is the highest compliment! And Kogami is like Hak…Hak just…is more…”seaworthy” in terms of shipping. ;) And yes, the little glitches and touches with the Chief in different “brains” is so creepy but such a cool little animation tidbit! I want to be like Saiga and be a brilliant professor with my own self-sufficient farm out in the middle of nowhere! Sign me up! But uhm…yes, Kogami definitely seems to have…A TYPE. I hope you enjoyed the giant discussion for the finale! I am SO hyped for season 2! 😀Thank you for the kind words and comment!


Hahahahaha, it’s okay!! I think the mods (maybe not Sunspots…yet, bwaha) know you have long insights! 😀 Ahhh, that’s a fair point about the motorcycle!! I hadn’t thought about that with the helmet; good observation. And YESSSSS, Psycho-Pass showing a lot of trends then that we’re using now….how popular is this show?! 😛 Honestly, I don’t think I’ll be over Kagari dying even after the series has ended and beyond - BeHappy JUST got to that episode and you can tell it’s put her through the wringer, too! Ahhhh, fair point too with Saiga smelling the gun oil (I forget about that sensory factor when watching tv) and the stance! “Is that a revolver in your pocket, or are you just happy to see your sensei, Kogami?” ;) And that is a good note about your sociology notes! That’s also interesting how religion isn’t brought up, really. Very interesting, indeed! *strokes chin* And Saiga making a reddit post! AHAHAHA!!! I love their “scholarly montage,” though and your notes about how generations interact – Saiga and Kogami and Masaoka and Ginoza definitely bring some of that to mind! And Saiga as an AU for Sherlock in Moriarty the Patriot! I can SO see it and now a tiny angsty part of me wants to read about it. 😛 Shion being the wingwoman is such a fun development for her character! 🙂 Kogami and Shogo showing they are so similar and how Kogami “views” shogo was such a great moment! And them as “chess pieces” in the black and white! Ooohhh, I hadn’t thought of that but that’s brilliant! LOVE IT! KUDAMA IS YOUNGER TOGURO – Damn, that is an ICONIC role! That’s so cool! Ooohhhh, that is a great point, too about the Sybil System taking a page from history with the closed borders but also not letting anyone know because history is no longer taught. @_@ I respect Akane sticking to her beliefs and ideals and going “along” with the system and then realizing maybe she has some power “over it” in that sense? I would definitely NOT see her as a Mary Sue, agreed! But YES, Kogami…you realize the kind of woman Akane is for you?! *sigh* I can see the Matrix tie-in, too! And that is very interesting to note about Ginoza! I never thought of it that way, but now I want to keep track for the rest of the season 2 and make note of this! Thank you for the kind words and comment!